7 Things to Know to Become a Successful Crypto Trader

Jan 18, 2020 at 10:13
Vues 2,927
37 Replies
Membre depuis Nov 30, 2019   posts 1
Jan 18, 2020 at 10:13
The growth in the Blockchain and cryptocurrency space shows their future potentiality to rise over the other payment technologies. Investing in crypto isn’t that difficult, but then it isn’t that easy either. In order to be a successful trader it is important to have a strategy and follow it till you see the results and repeat if required. After conducting a thorough research we have compiled the top 7 facts to know to succeed in crypto trading.

Build a diversified portfolio
Beginners put all their eggs in one basket while a professional would know what to do exactly. The smarter approach is to build a diversified portfolio based on market cap, tech and team behind the project. This decreases the risk of incurring losses.

Review your portfolio and trading strategy every 60 days
It is easy to chart your progress and see which way your portfolio is moving. As traders follow their strategy, it is advisable to keep an eye on Bitcoin price and its market capitalization. As Bitcoin’s price increases, its market capitalization increases and this leads to a fall in altcoin prices. This means it's time to hold or exchange for Bitcoin.

Don’t participate in lending programs with inadequate information
While there are lucrative lending programs in the market offering as much as 8% interest pa on lending your cryptocurrencies, it is recommended that you conduct a thorough research and then invest in such projects.

Do not loan funds for investing in crypto
Avoid trading in cryptocurrencies with borrowed funds. It is a popular advice in the crypto industry that you invest only what you are prepared to lose. This means taking loans from sharks or banks is not advisable as you are risking your borrowed capital in a volatile market with no guaranteed returns.

Losses are a part of the process
Traders and investors trading in crypto including the novice traders need to know like in any business ROI in crypto trading doesn’t come easy. It's important to remember that losing helps your learn, make changes in the strategy and improve your chances for better results. There is never enough research for finding the right strategy, you should keep working at it and try working on new strategies regularly to cope up in every market condition. It is always advisable to apply a calm mindset, identify undervalued tokens, avoid jumping in on market hype and stay away from FUD.

Margin Trading works great for experienced traders
Margin trading aka leverage trading is for the seasoned traders and is sometimes difficult for the beginners to comprehend. The beginners will need to get around this trading style first and accordingly opt for such trading strategies. Considering the risks involved, avoid running after the past performance of a token as that cannot be a true indicator of its value to go up in future.

Keep Trading
Simple as it sounds, it is the most important step to becoming a successful crypto trader. Top traders make at least 100 trades every 3 days and that helps them keep realigning their strategy to suit market conditions and book profits consistently. Different traders try different strategies. Take this route: chalk out a couple of strategies, try executing them, and after assessing them go ahead with the one that worked out well.

These are the top tips for becoming a successful trader; other important ones include learning from the trades where you incur losses, staying updated on market conditions and industry news and identifying the right project and team to invest in. Stay on top of the market and keep learning as you trade.
Membre depuis Oct 07, 2019   posts 39
Mar 24, 2020 at 10:25
Good info!
Membre depuis Mar 23, 2020   posts 63
Mar 25, 2020 at 07:38
Thank you for sharing those tips, quite helpful.
Membre depuis Jan 11, 2020   posts 21
Apr 12, 2020 at 18:51
Yep, that is really pure wisdom by many standarts out there clearly and entirely for many reasons out there..... so let's do some other things. You may want to provide at least some examples for everything in order that all this start get even more sense.
Membre depuis Apr 06, 2020   posts 9
Apr 13, 2020 at 12:09
People should also understand that crypto is a long term trade. You cannot day trade crypto with any success. Crypto is all about Buy and hold
Membre depuis Oct 19, 2019   posts 35
Apr 14, 2020 at 07:29
Nice. Thanks for sharing Cindyrose.
Membre depuis Feb 13, 2017   posts 225
Apr 14, 2020 at 13:01
If you want to be a successful crypto trader , do not trade crypto till total market capitalization hit $1,000B
Membre depuis Apr 15, 2020   posts 77
Apr 15, 2020 at 05:21
A good selection and really points that are paramount.
Membre depuis Jan 15, 2020   posts 3
Apr 15, 2020 at 11:36
Fantastic insights... Here's a really great article I read recently that is also very helpful with great resources
Feel free to check it out :)
The truth is always learned, never told...
Membre depuis Dec 26, 2019   posts 21
Apr 29, 2020 at 19:09
I've been thinking for a while about becoming a crypto trader and how cool it would be. I couldn't gather all my thoughts and knowledge into tips like yours. Your advice here is really very useful, thank you so much. I'm waiting to apply them somewhere in my trades. My most unloved point is "Losses is a part of the process". No matter how much I don't like it, you're totally right. It's great that you share your knowledge and experience in this forum.
Membre depuis Apr 15, 2020   posts 77
May 17, 2020 at 08:04
These are really the categories you need to know.
Membre depuis Apr 28, 2020   posts 49
May 18, 2020 at 08:21
Mindstraders posted:
cindyrose posted:

Do not loan funds for investing in crypto
Avoid trading in cryptocurrencies with borrowed funds. It is a popular advice in the crypto industry that you invest only what you are prepared to lose. This means taking loans from sharks or banks is not advisable as you are risking your borrowed capital in a volatile market with no guaranteed returns.

This is a GOLDEN RULE for all high risk investments and Forex trading at all

Totally agree.
Membre depuis Apr 15, 2020   posts 77
May 27, 2020 at 06:05
Indeed, these points are quite easy and you need to be able to use
Membre depuis May 06, 2020   posts 6
May 27, 2020 at 08:41
cindyrose posted:
The growth in the Blockchain and cryptocurrency space shows their future potentiality to rise over the other payment technologies. Investing in crypto isn’t that difficult, but then it isn’t that easy either. In order to be a successful trader it is important to have a strategy and follow it till you see the results and repeat if required. After conducting a thorough research we have compiled the top 7 facts to know to succeed in crypto trading.

Build a diversified portfolio
Beginners put all their eggs in one basket while a professional would know what to do exactly. The smarter approach is to build a diversified portfolio based on market cap, tech and team behind the project. This decreases the risk of incurring losses.

Review your portfolio and trading strategy every 60 days
It is easy to chart your progress and see which way your portfolio is moving. As traders follow their strategy, it is advisable to keep an eye on Bitcoin price and its market capitalization. As Bitcoin’s price increases, its market capitalization increases and this leads to a fall in altcoin prices. This means it's time to hold or exchange for Bitcoin.

Don’t participate in lending programs with inadequate information
While there are lucrative lending programs in the market offering as much as 8% interest pa on lending your cryptocurrencies, it is recommended that you conduct a thorough research and then invest in such projects.

Do not loan funds for investing in crypto
Avoid trading in cryptocurrencies with borrowed funds. It is a popular advice in the crypto industry that you invest only what you are prepared to lose. This means taking loans from sharks or banks is not advisable as you are risking your borrowed capital in a volatile market with no guaranteed returns.

Losses are a part of the process
Traders and investors trading in crypto including the novice traders need to know like in any business ROI in crypto trading doesn’t come easy. It's important to remember that losing helps your learn, make changes in the strategy and improve your chances for better results. There is never enough research for finding the right strategy, you should keep working at it and try working on new strategies regularly to cope up in every market condition. It is always advisable to apply a calm mindset, identify undervalued tokens, avoid jumping in on market hype and stay away from FUD.

Margin Trading works great for experienced traders
Margin trading aka leverage trading is for the seasoned traders and is sometimes difficult for the beginners to comprehend. The beginners will need to get around this trading style first and accordingly opt for such trading strategies. Considering the risks involved, avoid running after the past performance of a token as that cannot be a true indicator of its value to go up in future.

Keep Trading
Simple as it sounds, it is the most important step to becoming a successful crypto trader. Top traders make at least 100 trades every 3 days and that helps them keep realigning their strategy to suit market conditions and book profits consistently. Different traders try different strategies. Take this route: chalk out a couple of strategies, try executing them, and after assessing them go ahead with the one that worked out well.

These are the top tips for becoming a successful trader; other important ones include learning from the trades where you incur losses, staying updated on market conditions and industry news and identifying the right project and team to invest in. Stay on top of the market and keep learning as you trade.

This information is so useful. People should always categorize there investment and look at the long picture. While the potential to earn more is increased with the amount of money you invest into a coin, the potential to lose more is also magnified. Another way to think about it is to look at the cryptocurrency market as a whole; if you believe that this is just the beginning, then more than likely the entire market cap of cryptocurrencies will increase.
Membre depuis Sep 22, 2019   posts 23
Jun 04, 2020 at 16:03
Enough useful piece of information. It's cool that you weren't too lazy to write that much. I've always been interested in cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology, too, so it was very interesting to find information about everything on this forum.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 278
Aug 20, 2020 at 18:42
I completely agree with you. This is very useful article for the new traders who want to enter the market.
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020   posts 283
Aug 21, 2020 at 09:10
If you want to become a successful crypto trader, you need to have proper knowledge about coin details and the crypto market.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 172
Dec 07, 2020 at 19:19
A lot of knowledge and skills can make you successful in the crypto market. Your knowledge will help you to make the right decisions a t the right time, and your skills help you to make money from this market.
Membre depuis Nov 16, 2020   posts 52
Dec 09, 2020 at 08:31
Only constant development of practice can really lead you to this dream result.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020   posts 278
Dec 21, 2020 at 20:58
If you want to become a good crypto trader, you need to make a good and profitable trading plan.
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