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Bullish Moment?

Membre depuis May 02, 2012
posts 113
Jun 10, 2012 at 06:06
Membre depuis May 02, 2012
posts 113
Hello Guys,
I'm very interested in plan my trades at the next week, 11th of June.
I'm thinking in trade fully with USDCHF and GBPUSD but i would like of some orietations of anothers professionaltraders.
My sentiment for USDCHF is bullish
And GBPUSD is bullish too.
Is better to use this pairs like daytrader or hourly ?
Long or Short Positions?
What each one think about the these pairs?
I thank quality comments!
I'm very interested in plan my trades at the next week, 11th of June.
I'm thinking in trade fully with USDCHF and GBPUSD but i would like of some orietations of anothers professionaltraders.
My sentiment for USDCHF is bullish
And GBPUSD is bullish too.
Is better to use this pairs like daytrader or hourly ?
Long or Short Positions?
What each one think about the these pairs?
I thank quality comments!

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