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Download my EA for free.
Membre depuis Apr 11, 2011
posts 5
Nov 04, 2011 at 15:37
Membre depuis Apr 11, 2011
posts 5
I'll appreciate any comments.
I'll appreciate any comments.
Wolność to prawo do tego, żeby wstać i wyjść. O to zawsze warto walczyć.

Membre depuis Oct 20, 2011
posts 16
Nov 06, 2011 at 12:10
Membre depuis Oct 20, 2011
posts 16
What input settings would you suggest for running this against EURUSD? I am trying to replicate the Strategy Runner test results on your website using a $1000 demo account.
I am currently attempting to use the default input settings with very poor results.
Kind regards,
What input settings would you suggest for running this against EURUSD? I am trying to replicate the Strategy Runner test results on your website using a $1000 demo account.
I am currently attempting to use the default input settings with very poor results.
Kind regards,
Membre depuis Apr 11, 2011
posts 5
Nov 06, 2011 at 18:46
Membre depuis Apr 11, 2011
posts 5
tenix - please just click "choose language" in the upper right corner.
Atelier - test that you can see is made with these paramters: EUR/USD, M30, date : 01.2011 - 11.2011
S/L = 500 , T/S =7
Please read information about this EA - it's weak EA. My best strategy is Afterburner II but you can't download it.
Have a nice day !
tenix - please just click "choose language" in the upper right corner.
Atelier - test that you can see is made with these paramters: EUR/USD, M30, date : 01.2011 - 11.2011
S/L = 500 , T/S =7
Please read information about this EA - it's weak EA. My best strategy is Afterburner II but you can't download it.
Have a nice day !
Wolność to prawo do tego, żeby wstać i wyjść. O to zawsze warto walczyć.

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