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Good Traders and EA Developers

Membre depuis Aug 14, 2010
posts 213
Nov 17, 2010 at 02:34
(édité Nov 17, 2010 at 02:36)
Membre depuis Aug 14, 2010
posts 213
I would like to dedicate this thread to ANY Real Live account that is in the GREEN. Whether you are a Developer or Manual Trader, please add your widget and tell us a short description about your strategy, experience, goals and blog/website link if you have one.

Description: Scalping S/R levels based on Price Action. Trade any session. This system is a continuation of the
GoMarket System.
Experience: Started out in 2007. I've learned the most from Trial and Error. An interest in economics has helped me understand the fundamental driving force in the financial markets. Thousand + hours of screen time is finally paying off and my trading psychology is finally catching up with my experience.
Goals: Mostly, to have the freedom to travel the world and still have a job that I can always count on, no matter what condition the economy is in. To have a better understanding of how the world works in financial terms including the true economic forces that create value.
Thanks in advance for participating in this thread 😄

Description: Scalping S/R levels based on Price Action. Trade any session. This system is a continuation of the
GoMarket System.
Experience: Started out in 2007. I've learned the most from Trial and Error. An interest in economics has helped me understand the fundamental driving force in the financial markets. Thousand + hours of screen time is finally paying off and my trading psychology is finally catching up with my experience.
Goals: Mostly, to have the freedom to travel the world and still have a job that I can always count on, no matter what condition the economy is in. To have a better understanding of how the world works in financial terms including the true economic forces that create value.
Thanks in advance for participating in this thread 😄
Membre depuis Nov 09, 2010
posts 60
Nov 17, 2010 at 16:34
(édité Nov 17, 2010 at 16:42)
Membre depuis Sep 18, 2009
posts 86
An interesting topic....

Description: A trend following system using grid trading and hedging strategy. It trades in any session. The return is slow but steady. There might be significant DD in volatile market but it is expected that with sufficient capital in the account, the system can survive and recover the DD finally. The hedging strategy can also help in hedging off part of the risk.
Experience: Before trading forex, I am an active trader in stock market. However, I later found that forex market is more fair and attractive. Since year 2007, I started learning forex trading with focus on automatic strategy (a.k.a Expert Advisor or EA). I am now working with different traders and programmers in developing and testing various EAs.
Goals: To create a portfolio of EAs (through continuous testing) with different strategies which can produce consistent profit and achieve financial freedom. The profit can then be used to help the others in improving their living and pursuing their dreams.
Websiite: http://www.wallaceforexlab.com

Description: A trend following system using grid trading and hedging strategy. It trades in any session. The return is slow but steady. There might be significant DD in volatile market but it is expected that with sufficient capital in the account, the system can survive and recover the DD finally. The hedging strategy can also help in hedging off part of the risk.
Experience: Before trading forex, I am an active trader in stock market. However, I later found that forex market is more fair and attractive. Since year 2007, I started learning forex trading with focus on automatic strategy (a.k.a Expert Advisor or EA). I am now working with different traders and programmers in developing and testing various EAs.
Goals: To create a portfolio of EAs (through continuous testing) with different strategies which can produce consistent profit and achieve financial freedom. The profit can then be used to help the others in improving their living and pursuing their dreams.
Websiite: http://www.wallaceforexlab.com
Wallace Forex Laboratory conducts research on profitable EAs. Our ultimate goal is to create a portfolio of EAs which can provide consistent profit.
Membre depuis Oct 19, 2009
posts 22
Nov 18, 2010 at 00:14
(édité Nov 18, 2010 at 00:14)
Membre depuis Oct 19, 2009
posts 22

Description: Trend following, mean reverting, fundamental.. Some Grid, Some Carry trades -- tendency to always be hedged -- Risk-On-Risk-Off Style -- portfolio tends to be long/short emerging market crosses and commodity currencies. Some automatic, some based on gut instinct and some based on everything I've been reading to date.
Experience: I've been trading FX since 2005 -- I've also traded on a proprietary trading floor long/short NYSE stocks but that actually was not a great idea unless you're a great algorithm developer-- I leave that one to the robots as it's pure manipulation. At least FX seems to have less of it when you're dealing with a reputable broker.
Goals: To beat the SP-500 at all costs.. When this particular account was started till now an SP-500 Buy-Hold strategy would have returned 5.05% - While this account is at 35% realized returns and close to 40% NAV meaning I still have 5% of unrealized gains open. But really I love macroeconomic style trading -- having a hypothesis about the world and then taking a position based on that hypothesis and seeing how it turns out in front of your eyes. It's not about the money really, I just love global macro..
website: http://www.omegasupreme.com
Get up, dust yourself off.. and ride!

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