"Just Oil"

Apr 29, 2011 at 16:28
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Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 23, 2012 at 08:24
this month problem is that I do not get continuations on my trades although my entries are very good most of the time. been 35 pips maximum with risk of 10 pips. closed half at 27 and the rest got stopped for 15 pips. was targeting 1.2590. might get there but usually if R1 holds and it fails on good news it is down now. I am done. I am trading till 6:30 a.m. est here so, if I get a winner I am out and the day is done.

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 23, 2012 at 08:33
I will stick with 2:1 R:R. no partial closes, will close everything for 2;1. it is not happening that often that I get more than 2:1 but calculating how many pips I left there I would have been more than double up than how than I am actually am. seems like consistency in day trading this is better than getting home runs.
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 24, 2012 at 14:13
1 BE, 1 stop loss and one closed manually and reversed. ended in profit.

long term finally got on e/u. and sold a/u. looking to buy eur/cad and gbp/cad

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 27, 2012 at 11:30

closed twice for -6 pips. long was +27 with target 30 pips but got stopped at 16 pips and one BE. UK bank holiday.
reduced leverage risking 0.33% per trade for double gain. Goal no more than 2% monthly DD and minimum +4% gain.

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Jun 06, 2012   posts 1434
Aug 27, 2012 at 12:04
summer + monday + UK B.holiday

what a day😑😑😑
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 27, 2012 at 12:17
yeah, no continuation. I think it will ah0ppen late rin the day., but my son is up at 6:30 a.m. so no more new intra day trades since this time. this month market is hard to trade during London open. unlike July which was perfect.
Membre depuis Jun 06, 2012   posts 1434
Aug 27, 2012 at 12:24
look at the volatility at August

( bottom Line chart )
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 27, 2012 at 12:25
I am trying to get up at 1:30 a.m. dead of night here to get on some move early and still nothing.
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 27, 2012 at 12:27
that will be 90 pips range in last 3 weeks for e/u according to this site but Oanda daily ATR is only 80 pips now and most of the range happens later in the day. Not good.
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 27, 2012 at 12:29
The market is waiting for fall US news.
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 28, 2012 at 08:37
when came to PC felt that was late again. when saw opportunity shorted. nothing was happening when seeing price action I realized that big money were collecting orders to go long. closed for -3 pips my short, reversed and seeing one more confirmation added more. closed first position for +16 pips. kept trialing second one and closed 3 pips away form my target for 27 pips. although my stops were 15 pips I rarely have my full stops hit. would close these for less than -10 pips if got closed candle below certain level. wow, price is going up, but in this market conditions better to be consistent.
damn, I got some skills.

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 28, 2012 at 14:25 (édité Aug 28, 2012 at 14:26)
Long term trend account is 10% of original balance or 12% of current balance up in unrealized equity and risk is effectively 0 now as most trades stops already at BE, 3 trades profits locked and 4 trades are still at risk.
Hope that trends will continue and I will trade back DD and make new balance highs.
It is actually on reduced leverage and wider stops.
Membre depuis Jun 06, 2012   posts 1434
Aug 28, 2012 at 14:39
nice animation :)

Chikot posted:
when came to PC felt that was late again. when saw opportunity shorted. nothing was happening when seeing price action I realized that big money were collecting orders to go long. closed for -3 pips my short, reversed and seeing one more confirmation added more. closed first position for +16 pips. kept trialing second one and closed 3 pips away form my target for 27 pips. although my stops were 15 pips I rarely have my full stops hit. would close these for less than -10 pips if got closed candle below certain level. wow, price is going up, but in this market conditions better to be consistent.
damn, I got some skills.

Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 28, 2012 at 14:45
Oh yeah, I got fast fingers. reversed on a dime. I like when it moves.
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 29, 2012 at 17:32
The crap is back. lots of BE trades and one loser. down 15 pips today. no continuation. I could have easily made money had i taken 1:1 cause I had 3 times r:r 1 or slightly more but short of 2:1. never seen market so bad.

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 29, 2012 at 23:12
It looks like my live trend trading account has not been updated for a long time. I connected sub account elsewhere so I see why. I am connecting it anew right now.
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 29, 2012 at 23:17
ok, I have got an update.
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 29, 2012 at 23:41
Now it is done. Account up to date and active again. sub account must knocked main account out.
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010   posts 2279
Aug 30, 2012 at 07:30
I am making some small changes to my day trading to ensure I am not in and out all the time. too mentally draining. afetr I make them and implement will start posting day trades again. for now, I only post my trend trading trades. went long eur/cad. may be should have waited for pull back but pull back had happened and I would better get on.
Membre depuis Jun 06, 2012   posts 1434
Aug 30, 2012 at 11:17
floating in poztive😎

good to see that trends are back
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