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Looking to find trading buddies with similar strategy, Manual Price actions
Membre depuis May 08, 2014
posts 34
Sep 03, 2015 at 15:29
Membre depuis May 08, 2014
posts 34
I would like to be able to extend my network with successful traders who have a similar strategy than Mine.
I am mainly trading price actions on time frames H1, H4, H8, D1.
Please let me know if interested.
Best regards,
I would like to be able to extend my network with successful traders who have a similar strategy than Mine.
I am mainly trading price actions on time frames H1, H4, H8, D1.
Please let me know if interested.
Best regards,
Membre depuis May 08, 2014
posts 34
Membre depuis Jun 05, 2014
posts 35
Membre depuis Aug 12, 2009
posts 243
Sep 04, 2015 at 18:52
(édité Sep 04, 2015 at 19:03)
Membre depuis Aug 12, 2009
posts 243
marketshark382 posted:
Your trading style seems to be quite similar to mine. I would advise you to move away from FXCM coming from a personal experience.
I'm sorry to hear of your negative personal experience, but it's not representative of the 179,577 active retail accounts trading with FXCM as of our latest publicly available quarterly results.
On our No Dealing Desk (NDD) forex execution model, we offset each of your orders one for one with the best prices from competing liquidity providers. That means we don't profit from your losses or lose from your profits. Instead, we make our money from your trading volume. Therefore, we want you to be profitable, so you can trade more.
FXCM welcomes all trading strategies on our NDD model, and our raw FX spreads are conducive to scalping: http://www.myfxbook.com/forex-broker-spreads
Regarding your personal experience with FXCM, I welcome the opportunity to address any grievances you have. While I don't wish to take this discussion thread off topic, please feel free to reach out to me via private message.
Membre depuis Oct 11, 2013
posts 769
Membre depuis Jun 05, 2014
posts 35
Sep 13, 2015 at 06:03
Membre depuis Jun 05, 2014
posts 35
@Phaneron yea that's the thing. I had a lot of problems with them before the switch. Requotes, spreads were not good, slow executions etc.. I have heard good things about them now but I would not be going back to FXCM anymore.
@jasonrogers Appreciate your comment and assistance, and I wish FXCM a success with the switch of business model.
@jasonrogers Appreciate your comment and assistance, and I wish FXCM a success with the switch of business model.
It's all in the mindset.

Membre depuis Dec 03, 2013
posts 599
Sep 21, 2015 at 20:32
Membre depuis Dec 03, 2013
posts 599
http://redrhinofx.com/fxcm-raw-forex-spread-pricing/ - I also had a very bad experience with FXCM a few months ago doing a beta test of my scalper on their ECN data feed. The spreads would widen much further than other ECN brokers. Their liquidity is thin and over saturated.
@charlesadethib86 - TradingView.com has a good chatroom for #Forex and traders are manual technical analysis type.
@charlesadethib86 - TradingView.com has a good chatroom for #Forex and traders are manual technical analysis type.

Membre depuis Dec 03, 2013
posts 599
Sep 22, 2015 at 16:33
Membre depuis Dec 03, 2013
posts 599
RedRhinoLab posted:
@charlesadethib86 - TradingView.com has a good chatroom for #Forex and traders are manual technical analysis type.
That's the best place to start, then there is http://www.myfxbook.com/forex-charts

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