Surcap trading, anyone familiar?

Aug 25, 2014 at 18:20
Vues 2,143
5 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 09, 2014   posts 2
Aug 25, 2014 at 18:20
I am looking at some prop firms. Came across Surcap in London. Anyone heard of them or trades with them? Just curious, any info will be great. Thanks in advance.
Membre depuis Apr 12, 2014   posts 1
Nov 01, 2014 at 22:11
Just did a trial with them. It was an unsuccessful one though. I am still concerned about their not being open and communicative as much as I would like.

PM me if you would like to know more about this.
Membre depuis Aug 09, 2014   posts 2
Nov 10, 2014 at 12:23
I gave this a go more out of curiosity as I already had a fund and thought getting more exposure could be beneficial. I did the trial was $300 short of the target made $1200 in 10 days after experience $450 drawdown initially. Spoke to Lewis for quite sometime about risk level being a bit unrealistic for standard lots. He still seemed to think if I traded the daily I would have smashed it. He may have been right but the moment you attach a risk profile I was already risking 10% at 15 ticks. On a daily I would have been risking at least 50% on one trade didn't really make sense.

Conclusion these are quant guys who make money from running of the curves of other quant traders so as a human trader it is pointless as algos could potentially scalp and make money but as a human if you are playing the daily the risk is too tight. I bet very few people get through. In future it will be nice to see Chicago styled prop firms that are not asking you to sign up to a course. Stuck with my fund in the end we trade daily's and weekly's.

It was interesting though from a confidence point of view.
Membre depuis Jan 12, 2015   posts 49
Aug 27, 2015 at 23:08
Do these guys actually provide traders with backing if successful?? I can't get my head around how anyone would back you with up to $200k just after 10 days of trading does not seem correct, perhaps I am wrong.

I contacted them with a few questions and got a reply back the first time. After going into the drawdown levels more and asking more about them I did not get a response. I called their office in New York, spoke to a receptionist but Peter was not available I asked when he would be back and she did not have a clue. I also asked if he had a mobile contact number but turns out there wasn't one. This was back in January. I phoned them again this month and it turns out he is still not available and the receptionist still doesn't know when he'll be back nor did they offer to call back.

I read elsewhere that no one else has had luck with them..
“Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful” - Warren Buffet
Membre depuis May 13, 2015   posts 81
Aug 28, 2015 at 12:47
Just a heads up, I work for risk management company in London. And my wife is a broker and works for a prestigious broker in Banks as well.

I have never heard of surcap....
Membre depuis Apr 05, 2015   posts 1
Sep 27, 2015 at 05:58
I've searched far and wide online for one single individuals' successful experience with Surcap as a backed trader, and yet to find him/her. I am considering doing a trial with this firm, but I'm very skeptical about their claims in regards to backing allocations of traders who successfully pass the trail. It just doesn't seem realistic for a trading firm to allocate so much capital solely based on a 10 day trial performance. Has anyone heard anything about anyone who has actually been backed by this firm?
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