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Forex is profitable ?
Membre depuis Apr 06, 2018
posts 254
Membre depuis Oct 16, 2019
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Membre depuis Oct 12, 2018
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Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011
posts 4862
Oct 17, 2019 at 10:59
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011
posts 4862
Kamrul12063 posted:
This is not profitable at all
Show me one profitable Forex trader I'll show you thousands loser traders
So what do you think distinguish profitable trader and loser?
Membre depuis Oct 12, 2018
posts 11
Membre depuis Oct 12, 2018
posts 11
Oct 18, 2019 at 09:08
Membre depuis Apr 09, 2019
posts 9
Kamrul12063 posted:Tim007 posted:
I do not want you to show me thousands of loser traders. It is not difficult to find them.
Right on... and it's difficult to find one profitable Forex trader
The post was amended by administrators, as I am not allowed to promote other trades. You have to be patient. Just look at other registered people profiles on this site and you might find the answers.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011
posts 4862
Oct 18, 2019 at 10:15
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011
posts 4862
Kamrul12063 posted:I think I know thatvontogr posted:
So what do you think distinguish profitable trader and loser?
Certainly you know better
But learning from others is important part of being successfull
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016
posts 1189
Oct 21, 2019 at 22:32
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016
posts 1189
amsoc posted:
Boh...for me is very hard find a edge. Boh…
Trade smaller sizes,
trade less often, avoid over trading,
trade without emotion,
use automation where possible and reasonable,
trade high probability set ups,
use reasonable and realistic take profit targets,
use reasonable and realistic stop loss targets,
use a profitable trading strategy,
kill losing trades,
hold winning trades until they hit your TP
use proper financial planning
protect your investment and assets at all cost
What instrument you trade is IRRELEVANT (currency pair, stock, bond, whatever)
Diversify investment capital.
When an investment account is blown, there is ultimately only one person responsible for it. The Investor...
Not the broker, not the markets, not the currency pair.
So I'll say this yet again....
If there is a massive loss of capital (blown account, etc...), ultimately the responsibility for the problem is the Investor.
Regardless of the event that caused a blown account, the fact that account is blown should be all the information anyone needs to know.
If risk is managed properly, even a catastrophic market event can be protected against, or at least the impact can be limited to an accepted level.
These are just my opinions of how I personally trade, but I think they would be reasonable to most people if considered.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Oct 22, 2019 at 07:40
Membre depuis Apr 18, 2017
posts 920
Mohammadi posted:
in order to me, anyone can be profitable trader , its not a bid deal , the main issue is to keep continue the same profit ratio.
Basically, only good skilled traders are able to make decent profit in a long run; with an ordinary trading skill; consistency will be an illusion.
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