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Forex is profitable ?
Membre depuis Sep 20, 2020
posts 6
Jan 15, 2021 at 12:51
Membre depuis Apr 09, 2019
posts 8
I don't see why it is so difficult to make a profit from day trading. Theories or just chats will not make you any profit and experience in day trading. People can spend hours, days, weeks to talk of how it is good to make a living from day trading or investing but in reality there will be just talk. Unless you get some money and put them into work you will not see any results. Like somebody who wants to learn to drive without a car.
Get simple strategy and start using real money say 5% out of your total investment account. after several investments (profit or loss does not matter) you will figure out how to make a profit from investment.
Get simple strategy and start using real money say 5% out of your total investment account. after several investments (profit or loss does not matter) you will figure out how to make a profit from investment.
Membre depuis Jun 26, 2020
posts 323
Mar 14, 2021 at 06:27
Membre depuis Jun 26, 2020
posts 323
Its hard to make sure the good broker as a newcomer but if we would make some research then we would be able to find out. But I think it is very important to join different brokers and observe like how to deposit and withdraw the money and what is the spreads and what is the kinds of account allowed.
Membre depuis Aug 10, 2021
posts 172

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