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- Greed is when your expectation
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Greed is when your expectation
Dec 27, 2020 at 12:31
Membre depuis Jul 19, 2020
posts 749
Greed is when your expectation and skills do not match. Suppose I am not enough skilled but I want to make unrealistic profit like 5% per day. That's greed. When you know how much skilled you are and act accordingly, then you get rid of greed.
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020
posts 278
Membre depuis Dec 11, 2020
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Jan 07, 2021 at 06:12
Membre depuis Dec 21, 2020
posts 16
tediousbissa posted:
When you decide to trade forex, you must make sure that you don’t let your emotions overpower you. If you let your emotions rule your trading decisions, you will end up losing the game.
Emotions are definitely a game spoiler for any trader. Sooner or later we must learn to try to keep them controlled.
Jan 18, 2021 at 10:47
Membre depuis Jun 01, 2020
posts 52
UweMoench posted:
Greed is when your expectation and skills do not match. Suppose I am not enough skilled but I want to make unrealistic profit like 5% per day. That's greed. When you know how much skilled you are and act accordingly, then you get rid of greed.
Exactly how I imagined what greed is all about. When you are making unrealistic profit without backing up with sounding proof plan to avoid making a mistake, that is the result of poor thinking.
Membre depuis Dec 14, 2020
posts 16
Membre depuis Jul 23, 2020
posts 816
Mar 29, 2021 at 13:06
Membre depuis Mar 28, 2021
posts 586
Problem with forex trading is that in here we forget all logics. Market is moving 24 hour doesn't mean you will be able to make money with it. It requires skills and patience to wait for the right trade. Being greedy is not going to help you..
Membre depuis Mar 16, 2021
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Membre depuis Mar 17, 2021
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Membre depuis Apr 09, 2019
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Membre depuis Aug 10, 2021
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Dec 07, 2021 at 03:44
Membre depuis Jan 26, 2013
posts 72
Don't ever get greedy in this business. You will lose the gains as quickly as you got them. Besides, there will be plenty of other opportunities to make money down the road. Forex is not going anywhere.
Integrity is the seed for achievement. It is the principle that never fails. - Earl Nightingale
Membre depuis Sep 06, 2021
posts 9
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