I have four accounts here and I'd like to hear your comments

Nov 16, 2011 at 01:04
Vues 947
6 Replies
Membre depuis Dec 04, 2009   posts 51
Nov 16, 2011 at 01:04
Hi All,

I try to introduce some samples to you for how to manage your accounts for that i put four accounts here and you just write golden4x in search field and i'll wait your comments
my wishes to all of you to win and win

Osama Hussein
Membre depuis Dec 08, 2009   posts 46
Nov 27, 2011 at 14:19
I think you should have a better money managment or a better strategy cause you have too big drawdowns.
Membre depuis Dec 04, 2009   posts 51
Nov 27, 2011 at 19:43
Dear Mr condor,
Thanks for your comment and I'm really appreciate you opinion but Unfortunately, because of what is passing through Egypt from the events and I am Egyptian and I live in the heart of the events I was not a full-time enough to follow up on all accounts the truth and the test of this will repeat what made ​​later will Akhtrk so as soon as things calm down again to my beloved and greetings to you
Osama Hussein
Membre depuis Oct 24, 2011   posts 36
Nov 28, 2011 at 17:42
Does anyone else agree that the drawdown calculations seem flawed on myfxbook? not sure if it is just me but I view a drawdown as the percent of your account that is at risk at any one given time. However, myfxbook calculates your drawdown compiled based upon how much your account has lost culmilative...at least this is how it seems, but when I search for official documentation on how they do drawdown I just haven't found it yet...Any thoughts?
Trading is Fun...
Membre depuis Dec 04, 2009   posts 51
Nov 28, 2011 at 22:05
Hi Shown,

I'm agree with you but any way the problem from my opinion is if you quite sure from your entry when you open the position in most cases you get your profit very soon but if the trend take the opposite direction here the problem are you sure that the price will reverse again so you to stay open your position else you must close it at once.. and here really i was tried to calculate the drowdown but i failed too but i think you can ask for help from the menu with your question and if you don't know how just tell me and I'll make it for you..
Osama Hussein
Membre depuis Oct 24, 2011   posts 36
Nov 29, 2011 at 00:31
Here is one idea for you concerning the strategy. Set it up to open two positions in the direction of your signal and close the first position for a scalp, say 10 or 15 pips. Upon the close of the first position move your SL for your second open position to break even. This way you get the benefit of having a good signal each time by rewarding yourself with 10 or 15 pips. This also leaves the second position open for a longer take profit or at the worst case it goes against you and you get stopped out at break even.

Trading is Fun...
Membre depuis Dec 04, 2009   posts 51
Nov 30, 2011 at 13:44
Hi shawn,
This a great idea if the trend and reverse to close the opened position but what do you suggest if the trend goes one..but thanks anyway for your idea..
Osama Hussein
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