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Membre depuis Aug 27, 2017
posts 875
Mar 28, 2019 at 12:53
Membre depuis Aug 27, 2017
posts 875
Imamul posted:
For avoiding risk I always use 1:100 leverage in spite of having up to leverage 1:2000 , actually leverage is an important financial tool which always contains risk , so it is better if we avoid using high leverage in real account.
No doubt leverage is a good feature but traders need to use this feature smartly! Nice to see, you are conscious of leverage; and I am hope you are calculating risk reward ratio so carefully.
keeping patience.......
Apr 07, 2019 at 10:25
Membre depuis Aug 09, 2017
posts 598
So many new Forex traders try to make money from here without learning. As a result they become loser due to lack of exact trading knowledge. It’s a common thinking. I think by and large lose because they trade with emotions and don’t know how to manage money in Forex.
Apr 30, 2019 at 11:20
Membre depuis Apr 18, 2017
posts 659
Imamul posted:
So many new Forex traders try to make money from here without learning. As a result they become loser due to lack of exact trading knowledge. It’s a common thinking. I think by and large lose because they trade with emotions and don’t know how to manage money in Forex.
Without learning; the path is too much sticky! Even, there is no way! Only good skilled Forex traders able to make regular money here.
May 07, 2019 at 08:24
Membre depuis Aug 09, 2017
posts 598
We loss for many reasons , one of the most common reason is immature trading plan or target , this approach always make us emotional and greedy , as a result we trade here at random and become loser . we it is more appropriate to make trading plan according to practical situations.
May 15, 2019 at 10:23
Membre depuis Apr 18, 2017
posts 659
Mohammadi posted:
As a newcomer I fall a great loss , sometimes has lost almost whole balance especially when tried to recover instant loss by revenge over trading.
I got your point; in this case; you need to take care of money management rules so honestly!
Jan 19, 2020 at 13:43
Membre depuis Aug 25, 2019
posts 26
in any business, we face losses and have to think about how to get out of this or that situation, but you can protect yourself, firstly, by indicating the allowable drawdown rate, and secondly, by constantly adjusting your investment portfolio to know which assets will help you recover at the moment
Jan 19, 2020 at 15:00
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2017
posts 870
Mostly traders especially the newcomers consider high leverage as much risk. But according to me I don’t consider it. If there is any risk, it is completely with non-sense planning and zero risk management plans, nothing to do with high leverage at all.
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011
posts 4573
Jan 20, 2020 at 07:42
Membre depuis Feb 22, 2011
posts 4573
Loss is part of trading.
Whenever you deny to accept smaller loss it can grow to a big loss.
Whenever you deny to accept smaller loss it can grow to a big loss.
Jan 23, 2020 at 17:49
Membre depuis Dec 26, 2018
posts 29
A lot of people do recommend to make it something like one percent to three percent, but I really do not know anything about you anyway for basically any reason out there. How we can only help with this? You need to trade and then trade even more.
Membre depuis Feb 24, 2020
posts 7
Feb 26, 2020 at 13:43
Membre depuis Feb 24, 2020
posts 7
AmDiab posted:Mohammadi posted:
There is nobody who is able to reduce loss completely from this volatile trading place, but taking some major steps it can be reduced sometimes. If we can manage our risk when trading practically then it is possible to reduce loss form before. So, we have to emphasis on risk management policy besides acquiring good trading knowledge.
100% doesn’t exist here; that’s way we traders need to follow the money management rules so honestly! Forex is all about probabilities, not certainty.
Membre depuis Feb 24, 2020
posts 4
Feb 27, 2020 at 13:03
Membre depuis Feb 24, 2020
posts 4
Mohammadi posted:
There is nobody who is able to reduce loss completely from this volatile trading place, but taking some major steps it can be reduced sometimes. If we can manage our risk when trading practically then it is possible to reduce loss form before. So, we have to emphasis on risk management policy besides acquiring good trading knowledge.
Membre depuis Apr 26, 2020
posts 1
Apr 28, 2020 at 12:29
Membre depuis Apr 26, 2020
posts 1
I fully agree with OP. Our target is 80%+ profitable trades with minimal drawdown.
This is achieved by being very nimble and constantly reacting to the latest price action that the market is communicating to us. Staying nimble helps you stay profitable!
This is achieved by being very nimble and constantly reacting to the latest price action that the market is communicating to us. Staying nimble helps you stay profitable!

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