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Money Management
Oct 09, 2019 at 16:14
Membre depuis Apr 18, 2017
posts 659
aa33030 posted:Merrill posted:
You probably are using money management but do not have explicit calculations
Money management involves calculations, being able to calculate using the correct lot sizes for the account balance with a set leverage
Even it’s a very much important calculation; usually I don’t take more than 2% risk; that’s my general rule!
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016
posts 1097
Oct 15, 2019 at 20:15
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016
posts 1097
ForexAngell posted:Anayallador posted:
I do not always use money management. I can change the number of transactions or the amount of money. I am a very gambler.
I noticed that I am losing less money over time. I hope that this is my merit and in the future I will be able to live without money management.
Please, explain what do you mean "without money management"? All that you analyse about your past and future trades that is your money management.
Simply analyzing past and future trades is NOT money management. That is trade analysis.
Money management is determining the risk level of your financial exposure and attempting to minimize that risk, by properly keeping your exposure of the available investment capital at the lowest levels available, while still generating a profit when possible.
This is done typically by using smaller lot trade size, counter coverage trades, and properly calculated SL + TP levels.
The reason people lose in forex and other investment instruments is because they do not use proper risk management. ANYONE who says they don't trade with proper risk management, is putting their entire account at risk and any advice from that person should be ignored.
Risk management (money management) is the most important rule.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Oct 23, 2019 at 08:32
Membre depuis Jul 24, 2019
posts 21
Mohammadi posted:
money management is very good skill which always supportive to avoid risk , but it for all time cannot protect you , becasue market is unpredictable most of the time.
any strategy and management cannot protect you totally. Not only on forex, everywhere and in any business. Money management is a reducing the risk by properly investing / money usage.
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016
posts 1097
Oct 23, 2019 at 20:02
Membre depuis Jan 05, 2016
posts 1097
Mohammadi posted:
money management is very good skill which always supportive to avoid risk , but it for all time cannot protect you , becasue market is unpredictable most of the time.
It is true that the market is unpredictable, but you can control your maximum acceptable level of risk.
For example, If the market spikes against your trade -1000 pips, this risk could easily be avoided and controlled by using a reasonable stoploss, counter coverage trades, and other similar techniques.
Any time an account gets wiped out, it is absolutely the fault of the investor because they didn't properly manage the risk to their investments. The event that cause the loss of funds is irrelevant, the fact that the account is blown should tell you all you need to know. Blown accounts = lack of properly used risk management.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
Membre depuis Aug 27, 2017
posts 875
Oct 26, 2019 at 15:05
Membre depuis Aug 27, 2017
posts 875
Professional4X posted:Mohammadi posted:
money management is very good skill which always supportive to avoid risk , but it for all time cannot protect you , becasue market is unpredictable most of the time.
It is true that the market is unpredictable, but you can control your maximum acceptable level of risk.
For example, If the market spikes against your trade -1000 pips, this risk could easily be avoided and controlled by using a reasonable stoploss, counter coverage trades, and other similar techniques.
Any time an account gets wiped out, it is absolutely the fault of the investor because they didn't properly manage the risk to their investments. The event that cause the loss of funds is irrelevant, the fact that the account is blown should tell you all you need to know. Blown accounts = lack of properly used risk management.
Well said! This is why, I use stop loss trading tool according to my own research! On the other hand, I don’t take more than 2% risk on per trade position!
keeping patience.......
Membre depuis Mar 03, 2019
posts 57
Nov 10, 2019 at 09:54
Membre depuis Mar 03, 2019
posts 57
ratou11 posted:yes it takes years and years and you are always learning.
Money management is KEY to almost everything in Forex. And it's a constant learning curve. I've been working on my own money management skills for years and still learn every day.
Nov 13, 2019 at 09:37
Membre depuis Oct 08, 2019
posts 23
Money management is one of the most crucial parts of trading and yes, I have seen many traders who take this part very lightly and then later, loose good amount of their money. A good trader/investor should always be very careful about putting his money into any venue.
Jan 02, 2020 at 15:58
Membre depuis Apr 18, 2017
posts 659
Smith88 posted:
Money management is one of the most crucial parts of trading and yes, I have seen many traders who take this part very lightly and then later, loose good amount of their money. A good trader/investor should always be very careful about putting his money into any venue.
Nice to see your response; by the way, what’s your average risk reward ratio for live trading?
Apr 18, 2020 at 19:45
Membre depuis Dec 15, 2019
posts 20
Not only traders are poor with money management but people overall, they do spend tons of money on unneeded things entirely and absolutely anyway for many many deeds out there. How do you plan to go on further with that? I am not sure. And nobody will teach it cause it's not profitable.
Apr 19, 2020 at 14:02
Membre depuis Sep 29, 2019
posts 25
I agree completely. When we get inot forex, what determones whrther we continue trading or not is the amount of money that we have in our accounts. The moment you lose all of that money then you are counted as a forex failure if you cannnot get more money to continue trading. You therefore need to manage your money as best as you can. I have had some of my own methods of management and they have worked out for me so far so good. Yours also seem very good. I moght give ut a try and see how it goes.Thanks for sharing with us.
Apr 19, 2020 at 16:10
Membre depuis Oct 25, 2019
posts 27
Forex is all about money We are all in it for the money and nothing else. It is also very clear that in forex we can lose that money in just a few days if we do not manage it properly. Some people will say that management is not important and that it is all about knowledge but I say that they are both important. You moght know alot of things but stil make poor decisions with your money because you do not know how or when to apply your knowledge. It is also eveident that different traders have different ways of managing their money. Sometimes only you have the solution to your problem. Develop your own stategies and manage your money in your own unique way.
Membre depuis Dec 26, 2019
posts 20
Apr 19, 2020 at 16:37
Membre depuis Dec 26, 2019
posts 20
Money management is not the issue here. What the traders need is knowledge. Once you know everything that there is to know then there is no way that you will not be able to manage your monage properly. That is exactly what I did to make sure that I do not waste all of my money in trades that willl only go against me. Getting the knowledge is one thing but applyiing it is another. Some eople are just unable to do it. Your advice is still on point. I will loook into it.
Apr 20, 2020 at 07:06
Membre depuis Apr 18, 2020
posts 55
danpadcas posted:
Money management is the bread and butter of trading. If you don't have it and its all over the place then you are destined to fail in this business.
I totally agree on that. Managing your funds should be the first priority, but many fail on that.
May 08, 2020 at 02:57
Membre depuis Mar 03, 2020
posts 12
MM is the most important skill to trade Forex. Or even life. if you don't possess one - you are in trouble. best strategy can fall down if you don't know to get use of your funds. so i would recomend before going all in on your live account - good MM and learn it. then practice. and then you will succeed
May 08, 2020 at 08:04
Membre depuis Apr 28, 2020
posts 49
brotendo posted:
MM is the most important skill to trade Forex. Or even life. if you don't possess one - you are in trouble. best strategy can fall down if you don't know to get use of your funds. so i would recomend before going all in on your live account - good MM and learn it. then practice. and then you will succeed
Well said. Many new traders don't understand the importance of MM and end up blowing their accounts. But Mm is really important and traders must make a necessary plan of action to avoid risk and manage money.
May 08, 2020 at 10:40
Membre depuis Jan 10, 2020
posts 36
Patrick1981 posted:
I don't believe that. If you have a great strategy that makes profit then it doesn't really matter what money management you use
Well well any trading strategy implies the presence of money management. Otherwise this is not a strategy.
How will you trade without risk? How will you calculate which% are you ready to lose if something happens?
In my opinion you said stupidity.
Or you have not been traded yet, so you do not understand what you are talking about. 🙄

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