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Publishing my result with windows xp
Membre depuis Jun 11, 2012
posts 2
Jun 26, 2014 at 19:27
Membre depuis Jun 11, 2012
posts 2
am using windows xp and i have installed the metatrader and tried to publish my results to myfxbook. every thing seem to work fine and publishing from my meta trader gave me OK but when i check my profile page i get this error: You haven't connected the account yet.
what should i do to get my results uploaded?
am using windows xp and i have installed the metatrader and tried to publish my results to myfxbook. every thing seem to work fine and publishing from my meta trader gave me OK but when i check my profile page i get this error: You haven't connected the account yet.
what should i do to get my results uploaded?

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