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Renko charts
Sep 06, 2015 at 06:22
Membre depuis Aug 14, 2015
posts 21
Renko candlesticks kind of resemble small boxes or bricks. Renko charts have no lower or upper shadows. When using the Renko charts, you could alter the box size. A new box would pop up on the chart, this would only happens when some rare level of price change happens. On a Renko chart it is important to see the price changes as vital but volume and time don't mean much on a Renko chart. The forex trader can use Renko charts to confirm his trade setups. After a while, you can say the Renko is a better tool for you if it helped you take stronger positions even making less mistakes. As a swing trader, Renko charts are a nice option if you work on long time frames as Renko charts are really helpful in confirming the results of your technical analysis.
As a tip, I would advise you use slower settings of the range of 1 on Renko charts to reduce the much noise.
As a tip, I would advise you use slower settings of the range of 1 on Renko charts to reduce the much noise.
Membre depuis Aug 27, 2017
posts 875
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