test me on demo first if passed hire me as amaster trader 5 percent a day fift

May 03 at 21:00
Vues 135
2 Replies
Membre depuis May 03, 2024   posts 3
May 03 at 21:00
hello friends
 i am seeking individuals or company to enterprise with me as a partner. trail and test shall be hold before contract.
i work only on forex crash and boom as well volatility indices. max pc is variable
Simple easy and reliable
Membre depuis May 03, 2024   posts 3
May 04 at 06:07
nyvermynd posted:
hello friends
 i am seeking individuals or company to enterprise with me as a partner. trail and test shall be hold before contract.
i work only on forex crash and boom as well volatility indices. max pc is variable
i have found useful friend from this site and i found this site usefull
Simple easy and reliable
Membre depuis Mar 17, 2021   posts 13
May 05 at 05:54
You'll have to check the legalities of this in you and your partner's country. In many countries, this has to be done under a financial services licence.
Mottos are corny. Just find an edge, test it rigorously and trade it.
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