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this site
May 13, 2013 at 13:33
Membre depuis Nov 18, 2009
posts 18
I'm not sure why - perhaps it is the look, perhaps the fuctionality - or both, but i love this site.
It is as if they have stumbled onto using 'spring mvc and flash' and can do no wrong.
Why does this site exist, how do they make money - or even "not for profit" ?
Anyway congrats because the contribution to traders is enormous
It is as if they have stumbled onto using 'spring mvc and flash' and can do no wrong.
Why does this site exist, how do they make money - or even "not for profit" ?
Anyway congrats because the contribution to traders is enormous
Membre depuis Sep 19, 2012
posts 32
Membre depuis May 16, 2013
posts 5
May 16, 2013 at 11:14
Membre depuis May 16, 2013
posts 5
netkoala posted:
Why does this site exist, how do they make money - or even "not for profit" ?
This site exist to provide a venue for traders to share, to collaborate, to review, to be informed (to become a better trader).
Most probably, myfxbook makes money though advertisements, sponsors, and partner brokers. 😀
More Forex Rebates, More Trading Power!
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