Trading jokes

Sep 10, 2014 at 12:22
Vues 9,621
124 Replies
Membre depuis Jun 08, 2014   posts 104
Nov 20, 2014 at 09:41
Trading Forex is a very serious business . There should be no jokes.
Often , the best trade is no trade at all
Membre depuis Nov 11, 2012   posts 253
Nov 20, 2014 at 09:49
tranle447 posted:
Trading Forex is a very serious business . There should be no jokes.

We have another member here from the 95% group......LOL
Membre depuis Apr 09, 2014   posts 8
Nov 20, 2014 at 13:48
Obama comes to the bank to cash a check. Cashier he says:
- Identification.
Obama says:
- I have no identity with me, but do you not recognize me?
The cashier replied:
- You must prove that you - President Obama. For example, at our last week was Tiger Woods - so he hit a ball into a small glass of. And last week we had Pele - so he got a soccer ball into the wastebasket across the room.
Obama thought and said:
- I absolutely do not know what to do in such a situation ...
- Do you want small or large banknotes?
Membre depuis Apr 09, 2014   posts 8
Nov 20, 2014 at 13:51
Son, I sending you $ 100, as you asked.
By the way, one hundred dollars is spelled with two zeros, not three ...
Membre depuis Apr 09, 2014   posts 8
Nov 20, 2014 at 13:51
I have a good news - "Bugatti Veyron" has fallen in price.
Membre depuis Jul 16, 2013   posts 352
Nov 20, 2014 at 19:11
My contribution...So true...
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2014   posts 20
Nov 21, 2014 at 07:52
RSTrading posted:
My contribution...So true...

Those faces "after run EA on live account" are much more relaxed than mine, I think.
Mine was like this:

Especially when the EA blew out my account, and the vendor refused my refund request. 😁
Sooner or later, I can crack the code!
Membre depuis Aug 08, 2014   posts 116
Nov 26, 2014 at 09:02
Arup Nag, malkir, Rihan, velgengni, adi_nugraha32, Abrar, 111ForexGuru, ArdiFX you are the most frequent users of this thread. 😄
I appreciate that and hope you enjoy it! I will try to post as frequently as I can 😄
Let's meet 😄 I start:
My name is Maria Voykovich, I am from Poland, Krakow. I am a newbie at Forex, trade for a year. My results are not so good, but I am trying to improve my knowledge and to stay positive - that's why I've started this thread. 😉
I am trading with NAS Broker. In my trading I do not like demo accounts and since I am a newbie, I do not want to invest big amounts, that why I am trading on cent or mini accounts just to improve my knowledges and then to start trading in STP DMA accounts.
Whats about you? Where are you from? Which brokers are trading with? What you like about them and what you don't ? What services you want to have?
And of course what you want to see in this thread? 😳
Membre depuis Aug 08, 2014   posts 116
Nov 26, 2014 at 09:02
tranle447 posted:
Trading Forex is a very serious business . There should be no jokes.

I have never told that it is not serious but sometimes its good to laugh about serious things 😉
Membre depuis Aug 08, 2014   posts 116
Nov 26, 2014 at 09:03
malkir posted:
Obama comes to the bank to cash a check. Cashier he says:
- Identification.
Obama says:
- I have no identity with me, but do you not recognize me?
The cashier replied:
- You must prove that you - President Obama. For example, at our last week was Tiger Woods - so he hit a ball into a small glass of. And last week we had Pele - so he got a soccer ball into the wastebasket across the room.
Obama thought and said:
- I absolutely do not know what to do in such a situation ...
- Do you want small or large banknotes?

Love it!
Membre depuis Aug 08, 2014   posts 116
Nov 26, 2014 at 10:51

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Aug 08, 2014   posts 116
Nov 26, 2014 at 10:52

Fichiers joints:

Membre depuis Aug 08, 2014   posts 116
Nov 26, 2014 at 10:53
A few jokes about the bankers:

A man visits his bank manager and says, "How do I start a small business?"
The manager replies, "Start a large one and wait six months."

What's the problem with banker jokes?
Bankers don't think they're funny, normal people don't think they're jokes.

If you owe the bank £100, that's your problem.
If you owe the bank £100m, that's the bank's problem.

Membre depuis Apr 09, 2014   posts 8
Nov 26, 2014 at 14:47
mariav posted:
Arup Nag, malkir, Rihan, velgengni, adi_nugraha32, Abrar, 111ForexGuru, ArdiFX you are the most frequent users of this thread. 😄
I appreciate that and hope you enjoy it! I will try to post as frequently as I can 😄
Let's meet 😄 I start:
My name is Maria Voykovich, I am from Poland, Krakow. I am a newbie at Forex, trade for a year. My results are not so good, but I am trying to improve my knowledge and to stay positive - that's why I've started this thread. 😉
I am trading with NAS Broker. In my trading I do not like demo accounts and since I am a newbie, I do not want to invest big amounts, that why I am trading on cent or mini accounts just to improve my knowledges and then to start trading in STP DMA accounts.
Whats about you? Where are you from? Which brokers are trading with? What you like about them and what you don't ? What services you want to have?
And of course what you want to see in this thread? 😳

I use Forex4you and Alpari RU and Roboforex
Membre depuis Apr 09, 2014   posts 8
Nov 26, 2014 at 14:47
mariav posted:
The wife asks her husband: You work as a trader, right? Could you explain to me what are you doing?
The husband answered: Well, now imagine - we decided to make some money for breeding rabbits.
We bought them with all our money. And at next day flood came and all the rabbits were drowned.
And here we sit with you and think: why haven't we bought a fishes???

ha ha ha
Membre depuis Aug 08, 2014   posts 116
Nov 27, 2014 at 08:11
malkir posted:

I use Forex4you and Alpari RU and Roboforex

Hello Makir! Thank you for your feedback 😉 what do you like about these brokers? The thing that you use three brokers in the same time makes me think that you are an experienced trader who likes to diversify his risks 😄
Membre depuis Aug 11, 2014   posts 20
Dec 01, 2014 at 17:45 (édité Dec 01, 2014 at 17:45)
Sooner or later, I can crack the code!
Membre depuis Apr 14, 2014   posts 230
Dec 05, 2014 at 22:56
Two gentlemen in the club:

A: When I started to invest with my financial advisor, he said that he has the experience and I have the money.

B: How it ended up?

A: I have the experience and he has the money.
Membre depuis Apr 09, 2014   posts 832
Dec 07, 2014 at 00:17
Interviewer: What is recession?
Candidate: When “Wine and Women” get replaced by “Water and Wife” that critical phase of life is called "Recession”.
Membre depuis Apr 14, 2014   posts 230
Dec 07, 2014 at 02:57
A woman hears from her doctor that she has only half a year to live. The doctor advises her to marry an economist and to live in South Dakota. The woman asks, "will this cure my illness"? Answer of the doctor: "No, but the half year will seem pretty long".
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