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- Where to look for press information?
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Where to look for press information?
Nov 22, 2024 at 13:09
Membre depuis Nov 22, 2024
posts 1
my question concerns the time of posting press releases. Is there one news "channel" that makes the press releases of listed companies available at the same time to everyone? (I mean the US)
I am asking because one of the companies posted information at 8:58 on the stock exchange website and on its own website, information also appeared at that time, while WSJ published an article about this press release already at 8:55 and the share price started at 8:50.
Sorry for my English
my question concerns the time of posting press releases. Is there one news "channel" that makes the press releases of listed companies available at the same time to everyone? (I mean the US)
I am asking because one of the companies posted information at 8:58 on the stock exchange website and on its own website, information also appeared at that time, while WSJ published an article about this press release already at 8:55 and the share price started at 8:50.
Sorry for my English
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