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Are you using Twitter Widget

Membre depuis Jan 27, 2010
posts 1
Jul 13, 2010 at 21:12
Membre depuis Jan 27, 2010
posts 1
Are there any Traders using MYFXBOOK Twitter wiget??
I made a simple blog that is capturing traders that I have found updating their positions via twitter.
If you have an account linked to myfxbook, you should share your trades. Its a fast way to get a free trade call, Well it's not really intended for Trade calls but more of as AN ALERT, So we can make our own decisions if the trade is suitable for our style. I'll keep the RSS feed updated with the most active traders.
Of Course I am looking for Real Traders that make swing trades and scalps. I'm Not interested in Robot signals.
If you have a list of your favorite twiitters please add them here.
I made a simple blog that is capturing traders that I have found updating their positions via twitter.
If you have an account linked to myfxbook, you should share your trades. Its a fast way to get a free trade call, Well it's not really intended for Trade calls but more of as AN ALERT, So we can make our own decisions if the trade is suitable for our style. I'll keep the RSS feed updated with the most active traders.
Of Course I am looking for Real Traders that make swing trades and scalps. I'm Not interested in Robot signals.
If you have a list of your favorite twiitters please add them here.

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