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Can someone help me to optimize my EA
Oct 25, 2016 at 11:10
Membre depuis Sep 19, 2012
posts 1
Hi All
I program an EA by my programmer.
It's an Breakout-EA with a lot parameters to set. TP, SL, Distance from initial tick-date, time-control, etc too much to write all,...
in my opinion it's a good system because the system work without indi's.
but at the moment I can't find a good setting to trade over all in positive value,...
now I'm searching for a guy to help me and bring the system profitable. maybe someone is interest and from my side I give the EA and hole strategy. in return this guy give me a good setup,,...
more details only with mail...
I program an EA by my programmer.
It's an Breakout-EA with a lot parameters to set. TP, SL, Distance from initial tick-date, time-control, etc too much to write all,...
in my opinion it's a good system because the system work without indi's.
but at the moment I can't find a good setting to trade over all in positive value,...
now I'm searching for a guy to help me and bring the system profitable. maybe someone is interest and from my side I give the EA and hole strategy. in return this guy give me a good setup,,...
more details only with mail...
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