Aug 11, 2011 at 19:37
Vues 1,095
1 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 26, 2011   posts 4
Aug 11, 2011 at 19:37
I am a mildly experienced trader backtesting and demo testing a number of eas. There are a few that I have downloaded off of MT4's website. I am able to backtest them but then when I try to run them in real time on a demo account, no trades are executed. Does anyone have any experience with this issue? I appreciate any help or comments thank you!
Membre depuis Jul 26, 2011   posts 4
Aug 12, 2011 at 19:08
Researching the issue a little more I think the issue has to do with my broker (FXCM) and the OrderSend command. Does anyone have experience modifying EA's to change the OrderSend command?
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