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- How long should I start to trade after studying?
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How long should I start to trade after studying?
Membre depuis Mar 29, 2021
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Membre depuis Jul 23, 2020
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Membre depuis Jul 23, 2020
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Apr 10, 2021 at 13:01
Membre depuis Jul 23, 2020
posts 759
anneyates posted:I also agree. At least practice 5 to 6 months in the demo account. After that think about low investment.
If you are done with the course, you can surely begin with demo accounts at different broker platforms. Practice as much as you can.
Membre depuis Mar 17, 2021
posts 536
Sep 06, 2021 at 20:01
Membre depuis Sep 22, 2018
posts 70
Miki_Bao posted:
I've read some information in Babypips for months, and also some trading instruction/guide in some brokers' website.
I just don't know when to start? How do I know I am ready?
It’s always learning
Start with a demo account until you feel comfortable
Nov 12, 2021 at 12:55
Membre depuis Apr 01, 2021
posts 10
Well, nobody prohibits you to start trading right away without any special preparation for it. You have to understand that experience in trading activity comes with practice. The more practice you will have, the earlier you will gain success. Of course, learning is really significant in trading activity, but if you have already passed basic courses and know basc notions, then you already are ready to start trading activity. If you still doubt in your strengths then you can starts off from demo account. There you will gain a bit of experience and then you can go to the real account. Only by these step you will gain success.
Membre depuis Nov 15, 2019
posts 26
Jan 13, 2022 at 19:41
Membre depuis Nov 15, 2019
posts 26
It depends solely on your personal objectives actually. Not all trader start from trading on real account right away, the vast majority prefers to stay on demo for particular period of time and only then they start trading on real accounts with their own money. I believe such approach is the most wisest, becaude demo account clarifies you all the pecualirities of trading activity and on this stage you should decide whether you continue develop your skills and move to real account, or you leave this activity. I'm convinced that there is no such a notion as 'how long', it should be transformed into 'as soon as I gain knowledge and experience, I will move to real account'.
Membre depuis Mar 17, 2021
posts 536
Jan 13, 2022 at 19:45
Membre depuis Mar 17, 2021
posts 536
Wrathdragon posted:Yes. You are absolutely right.
It depends solely on your personal objectives actually. Not all trader start from trading on real account right away, the vast majority prefers to stay on demo for particular period of time and only then they start trading on real accounts with their own money. I believe such approach is the most wisest, becaude demo account clarifies you all the pecualirities of trading activity and on this stage you should decide whether you continue develop your skills and move to real account, or you leave this activity. I'm convinced that there is no such a notion as 'how long', it should be transformed into 'as soon as I gain knowledge and experience, I will move to real account'.
Jan 21, 2022 at 18:03
Membre depuis Jan 29, 2020
posts 23
Well, here all traders decide on their own, how long they have to learn. I believe that if you have noticed some results from your learning, for example, you have already created demo account and successfully practiced at it, you created your own trading strategy and it showed results, then it's the right time to move on a real account. As far as I concerned, the matter here is to understand that you might be wrong with the strategy and you might be failed, but don't worry and never give up. Those ones who never give up, reach their goals much faster than those ones who always give up the idea of earning with trading.
Jan 24, 2022 at 09:34
Membre depuis Nov 03, 2020
posts 75
It depends on how you are steady with your learning. Once I was done learning, I decided to hop in demo with fxview so that I can get familiar with tools and techniques when trading. It took me a year to go live and start trying to make a consistent profit.
Jan 28, 2022 at 14:16
Membre depuis Aug 22, 2020
posts 8
I agree that learning to trade is an eternal process. You will most likely continue learning on a real account. Trading is a very dynamic thing. It always changes, something new constantly shows up that can’t be traded as assets of the past.
Membre depuis Nov 29, 2022
posts 40
Dec 19, 2022 at 07:51
Membre depuis Jan 21, 2022
posts 57
Baccasa34 posted:Traders should understand their learning capacity and accordingly decide when they’re ready to start live trading.
Be your own supervisor and measure your performance periodically. Periodical measurement of performance is needed because it helps a trader understand his lacking.
Dec 20, 2022 at 10:48
Membre depuis Mar 11, 2022
posts 51
binarysumo22 posted:Yes I practised in a demo account and every trader should do that too! I believe it is one of the most crucial steps in the trading journey. It helped me strategize my moves, gain experience, and sharpen my trading skills without putting any real money at risk.
Did you practise on a demo account for a while? You will know you’re confident enough to take real risk. So, start accordingly!

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