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Malaysian Trader | 1Malaysia
Jul 20, 2013 at 03:43
(édité Jul 20, 2013 at 03:46)
Membre depuis Jul 17, 2012
posts 274
Good day to all. I am deysmacro from Malaysia. I would like to start this topic in order to gather all our traders from Malaysia. 😎
You all can talk Bahasa Malaysia instead of English if you wish.
We could exchange information and data so that we could have some more useful insights in trading.
As you all know, trading is not something simple and easy to do. The easy things to do is open and close trades. Thats all. The rest requires your knowledge in determining lot sizes, time to open trade, time to close trade, repeat trades and so on.
No need to be embarrassed here, everyone do mistakes in trading including me. Our point is to make those mistakes as references so that we can avoid such mistakes in future. If you guys have something that wants to share bout, please do so. If you guys have something that you wanted to say but can't, you can say it here and maybe we can help you with it. Of course, it is related to doing tradings.
I request everyone to please keep this place clean, friendly, and most importantly, a fun place to hang out. 😁
Therefore, by all mean, please join here all Malaysian traders. Wishing you all the best in trading and in getting those profits. 😎
p/s: Anyone who aren't Malaysian but wants to join, by all means, please do. We are here to gain. Not to loss. 😎
You all can talk Bahasa Malaysia instead of English if you wish.
We could exchange information and data so that we could have some more useful insights in trading.
As you all know, trading is not something simple and easy to do. The easy things to do is open and close trades. Thats all. The rest requires your knowledge in determining lot sizes, time to open trade, time to close trade, repeat trades and so on.
No need to be embarrassed here, everyone do mistakes in trading including me. Our point is to make those mistakes as references so that we can avoid such mistakes in future. If you guys have something that wants to share bout, please do so. If you guys have something that you wanted to say but can't, you can say it here and maybe we can help you with it. Of course, it is related to doing tradings.
I request everyone to please keep this place clean, friendly, and most importantly, a fun place to hang out. 😁
Therefore, by all mean, please join here all Malaysian traders. Wishing you all the best in trading and in getting those profits. 😎
p/s: Anyone who aren't Malaysian but wants to join, by all means, please do. We are here to gain. Not to loss. 😎
Past experience usually helps present self
Jul 21, 2013 at 13:48
(édité Jul 21, 2013 at 13:53)
Membre depuis Jul 17, 2012
posts 274
Untuk pengetahuan anda semua, saya ada EA yang boleh anda guna untuk akaun anda.
Penggunaan EA ini seperti link dibawah:
Tgk2la kat situ.
Nama EA: EAATS wRiLo v1.0i
Starting balance minimum: 100000 (1000 USD dalam bentuk cents)
Leverage: 200 ke atas
Kos: RM 60 p/month
Terhad: 1 real akaun 1 demo akaun
Maklumat lanjut EA ini: http://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/eaats-wrilo-v10i-liteforex-big/547939,1
Jikalau anda semua ada apa2 pertanyaan, silalah bertanya 😎
Selamat berpuasa and selamat dapat pips juga kepada anda semua 😎
Penggunaan EA ini seperti link dibawah:
Tgk2la kat situ.
Nama EA: EAATS wRiLo v1.0i
Starting balance minimum: 100000 (1000 USD dalam bentuk cents)
Leverage: 200 ke atas
Kos: RM 60 p/month
Terhad: 1 real akaun 1 demo akaun
Maklumat lanjut EA ini: http://www.myfxbook.com/community/trading-systems/eaats-wrilo-v10i-liteforex-big/547939,1
Jikalau anda semua ada apa2 pertanyaan, silalah bertanya 😎
Selamat berpuasa and selamat dapat pips juga kepada anda semua 😎
Past experience usually helps present self
Jul 22, 2013 at 00:55
(édité Jul 22, 2013 at 00:55)
Membre depuis Jul 17, 2012
posts 274
EA ni kita attach kat chart pastu dia akan run. Bila dia run, just tunggu duit masuk je la.
Tapi kita perlukan Internet kena sentiasa on, pc sentiasa on juga.
Minimum amount yang kita perlu adalah 1000 USD tp kita minta ke micro akaun, jadi dia akan jadi 100000
Kalu mampu lebihkan minimum amount lagi bagus.
Itu saja 😎
EA ni kita attach kat chart pastu dia akan run. Bila dia run, just tunggu duit masuk je la.
Tapi kita perlukan Internet kena sentiasa on, pc sentiasa on juga.
Minimum amount yang kita perlu adalah 1000 USD tp kita minta ke micro akaun, jadi dia akan jadi 100000
Kalu mampu lebihkan minimum amount lagi bagus.
Itu saja 😎
Past experience usually helps present self
Jul 29, 2013 at 00:31
Membre depuis Jul 17, 2012
posts 274
habis minimum pun usd 300, jadi bila kita open dalam cent akaun, ia jadi 30000.
usd 100 ni bahaya, x cukup margin. saya dah try, mmg x jadi. 😭
So, mana lagi org Malaysia nih? No more Malaysian here? 😄
usd 100 ni bahaya, x cukup margin. saya dah try, mmg x jadi. 😭
So, mana lagi org Malaysia nih? No more Malaysian here? 😄
Past experience usually helps present self
Membre depuis Mar 09, 2013
posts 8
Membre depuis May 08, 2013
posts 19

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