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monthly and daily percentage

Membre depuis Aug 31, 2010
posts 18
Mar 03, 2011 at 12:40
(édité Mar 03, 2011 at 12:48)
Membre depuis Aug 31, 2010
posts 18
Hi, I'm quite new here and have a question regarding the monthly and daily percentage. Say the monthly percentage is 10%, does this mean based on the performance, the system is expected to gain 10% per month (compounding)? So if i started with $100, in six months i should have $177, which is 77% gain. Or does it mean my gain in six months should be 60%, $160??
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2009
posts 1418
Mar 10, 2011 at 07:39
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2009
posts 1418
rsflint posted:
Hi, I'm quite new here and have a question regarding the monthly and daily percentage. Say the monthly percentage is 10%, does this mean based on the performance, the system is expected to gain 10% per month (compounding)? So if i started with $100, in six months i should have $177, which is 77% gain. Or does it mean my gain in six months should be 60%, $160??
That is an average rate of the system, following the principle of the system - ie if the system is compounding, then that is a compounding rate, otherwise not (in which case the compounding rate would be higher as you've suggested).

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