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Successful trading
Jun 02, 2020 at 11:49
Membre depuis May 27, 2020
posts 29
005500 posted:
(Practice makes a man perfect) Successful trading depends upon your trading style, practice, knowledge. You should always observe proffesional traders how and when they buy and sell apart from this a trader should always do market analysis before entring into any trade and should have patience in executing the trade, most importantly is to have prpoer money and risk managemet.Never invest whole money in one go otherwise you may bear huge losses if market is not in favour. Observe, analyse, think and then invest.
Well said!
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Oct 23, 2020 at 02:02
Membre depuis Jul 20, 2020
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Maintaining discipline is very important for successful trading. Without discipline, it is not possible to create a profitable strategy. Many traders are not able to make a profit by trading for a long time because their trading discipline is very weak. Successful trading is possible with proper money management and risk management.
Membre depuis Oct 07, 2020
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