where to watch live ECB press? where do you all usually get the quickest data?

Jun 04, 2014 at 19:53
Vues 601
4 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 10, 2013   posts 9
Jun 04, 2014 at 19:53
Hi, i was wondering where all the guys watch the live stream when some big events come. I also noticed the price always act faster before the website release data. Anyone please tell me if you know.
Membre depuis Jun 03, 2010   posts 675
Jun 05, 2014 at 02:55
Quickest data You can get by buying Reuters subscription, but this is quite cost !
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
Membre depuis Feb 07, 2011   posts 691
Jun 05, 2014 at 06:30
Why would you bother with the news?

The current markets are so heavily and openly manipulated, the news will be to support that agenda, whatever it may be. You have no chance of interpreting it, you have no chance of interpreting the markets reaction to it. It's simply an exercise in propaganda and futility.

Sit out the news, wait till the whips are out of the markets and then see which way it goes if it goes at all. No need at all to watch news.

99% of news events I'm either on my bicycle or asleep. Couldn't give a @#$#@ what the latest propaganda is.
Membre depuis Aug 10, 2013   posts 9
Jun 05, 2014 at 06:51
ok thanks!~
Membre depuis Jun 09, 2011   posts 183
Jun 19, 2014 at 12:06
it's a secrettttt lol, just kidding man, I usually use bloomberg
http://www.freeforexrebates .info
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