Price Action RFP EA/ RobotForexPro (de RobotForexProEA)

Gain : +1184.51%
Drawdown 28.62%
Pips: 6707.7
Transactions 691
Qualité de modèle: 99.9%
Barres en test: 11010
Ticks Modélisés: 21019

Discussion Price Action RFP EA/ RobotForexPro

Aug 11 at 01:23
Vues 494
9 Replies
Membre depuis May 19, 2023   posts 253
Aug 11 at 01:24
This is results of our newest expert advisor.
Membre depuis Dec 27, 2016   posts 7
Aug 11 at 05:14
hi . Any real money account, now? some trades last up to 34 days?
Membre depuis Apr 25, 2024   posts 1
Aug 22 at 02:48
how do i get the ea
Membre depuis May 19, 2023   posts 253
Aug 22 at 09:12
sakiman254 posted:
how do i get the ea
Hello, you can get it on our website

Kind regards,
Membre depuis May 19, 2023   posts 253
Sep 21 at 09:22
dustrech posted:
hi . Any real money account, now? some trades last up to 34 days?
Results, Please check in our profile.
Soon will be more results of different SET files.
Membre depuis May 23, 2024   posts 4
Sep 25 at 03:32
Hi, I have just purchased your PriceAction EA RobotForexPro and didnt receive any EA with the respective files.
Please assist.
Membre depuis May 19, 2023   posts 253
Sep 25 at 07:14
NgQL posted:
Hi, I have just purchased your PriceAction EA RobotForexPro and didnt receive any EA with the respective files.
Please assist.
Please check your e-mail.
Membre depuis May 23, 2024   posts 4
Sep 27 at 12:42
RobotForexProEA posted:
NgQL posted:
Hi, I have just purchased your PriceAction EA RobotForexPro and didnt receive any EA with the respective files.
Please assist.
Please check your e-mail.
Received with thanks
Membre depuis Dec 27, 2016   posts 7
Il y a 13 heures
NgQL posted:
RobotForexProEA posted:
NgQL posted:
Hi, I have just purchased your PriceAction EA RobotForexPro and didnt receive any EA with the respective files.
Please assist.
Please check your e-mail.
Received with thanks
Does the EA work similar to what is displayed in myfxbook?
Membre depuis Dec 17, 2016   posts 1
Il y a 11 heures
This EA and some of the other EA's from the robotforexpro team are working well for me. I got 2 SET files for this EA , been testing on a demo and the win loss ratio is mostly wins - being honest.
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