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- Expand the more tab to include gain, absolute gain and pips
Expand the more tab to include gain, absolute gain and pips résultats de vote
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Discussion Expand the more tab to include gain, absolute gain and pips
Oct 02, 2009 at 14:15
Membre depuis Aug 08, 2009
posts 6
I like the fact that when sizing is clicked on the more tab, we can scroll over the bars at the bottom of the chart and see the units for that day. It would be great if we could also be able to see the gain, absolute gain and pips on a specific date as well. I don't mind if all the figures come up at once every time you scroll over a date. If it is easier to keep them separate then just expand the more tab to include those metrics.
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2009
posts 1417
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