MyFxbook Application on FaceBook résultats de vote

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Discussion MyFxbook Application on FaceBook

Aug 10, 2010 at 04:54
Vues 668
5 Replies
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010   posts 808
Aug 10, 2010 at 04:54
Is it possible to have a button on beside our post so it can add to FaceBook side such as Wall, FanPage Discussion Topic.

Better still it can select the whole Thread and update become a New Discussion Topic in selected FanPage.

But then it will have an issue if post in a FanPage which is not create by the owner, might cause spam.

So it need a myFxbook application to add into FanPage to confirm access.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2009   posts 895
Aug 10, 2010 at 06:15
I created a Facebook page and stream everything through twitter. Not sure if it's 100% the same...

Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010   posts 808
Aug 10, 2010 at 06:37
The process is one way or 2 way ? You post article in FaceBook, twitter will post ? Or you twit , facebook will post your twit ?
Information is Gold when come to organised.
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2009   posts 895
Aug 10, 2010 at 06:42
Both ways, facebook has the apps for it. Just need to load two apps. Yakket is one for syncing....
Membre depuis Apr 20, 2010   posts 808
Aug 10, 2010 at 06:51 (édité Aug 10, 2010 at 06:51)
If like that case, the setting of MyFxbook on Twitter is post your trade of certain profile to Twitter, then twitter will post the trade to FaceBook.

Still no option to post discussion topic to twitter yet. And Twitter has limitation of how many words can post.

So better have a myfxbook application link to Facebook and FanPage.
Information is Gold when come to organised.
Membre depuis Aug 01, 2009   posts 895
Aug 10, 2010 at 07:57 (édité Aug 10, 2010 at 07:58)
Your main communication should be on twitter. 20 million users there, stream through to 500 000 000 on Facebook, use that to send people to your discussion.

You're not going to get the volumes here that you can find on FB or Twitter. So you comm's need to be there.

Twitter is also not a good discussion forum. More for keeping clients up to date and streaming trades. You can always send a link to a discussion here via tweets. That's what it's for.

In fact you can post a link on any of your trades that get stream that brings people back here to your profile.

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