Seeing as myfxbook can't handle large Oanda histories... résultats de vote

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Discussion Seeing as myfxbook can't handle large Oanda histories...

Nov 29, 2010 at 20:51
Vues 1,026
7 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 24, 2010   posts 21
Nov 29, 2010 at 20:51
... can you please make it so that we can manually extract and upload our Oanda histories to your site? E.g. publish a csv format, or even just accept the default Oanda export format but allow users to manually upload/provide this information.

(I've been waiting several months now, it seems like, for this issue to be resolved. In the meantime, myfxbook is rather less useful than a chocolate teapot... ;) )

Many thanks.
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2009   posts 1417
Nov 29, 2010 at 21:47
It's actually not a problem on Myfxbook's end, but on Oanda's 😄.

Their servers cannot fetch a large amount of history records - Oanda are working on a solution for us as we speak and hopefully it will be ready soon.
Membre depuis Aug 24, 2010   posts 21
Nov 29, 2010 at 22:10

Staff posted:
It's actually not a problem on Myfxbook's end, but on Oanda's 😄.

Their servers cannot fetch a large amount of history records - Oanda are working on a solution for us as we speak and hopefully it will be ready soon.

Hello, thanks for responding. I realise it's technically actually Oanda's problem. **However**:

1) Note that you *can* actually download the history piecemeal style from Oanda *manually*. E.g. it's possible to specify discrete date ranges, e.g. say on a monthly basis, and that *does* work, even on accounts with large histories. Hence my original request.

2) Consequently, it should also be possible to enhance MyFXBook's web scraping code to fetch smaller chunks of the history itself (thereby working around the issue), given that MyFXbook must already be parsing the Oanda FXTrade output and that it should be possible to simply submit the relevant date range parameters to Oanda via the URL during the fetching process.

Best regards and thanks for responding. And no disrespect intended. :)
Membre depuis Jul 31, 2009   posts 1417
Nov 30, 2010 at 08:37
We've already tried downloading the data in pieces, however it's not reliable as it often fails the same as if trying to fetch the entire history at once.
Membre depuis Nov 18, 2009   posts 708
Nov 30, 2010 at 11:14
Hey - if I can upload Oanda history manually, I will be Mr. Trader of the year. Because then I can upload whatever results I like.

BTW, what is that large amount you have problems with? It takes time to fetch a couple of thousand rows of data yes, but it works.
Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you and who have no agenda for your reform.
Membre depuis Jul 09, 2010   posts 4
Dec 08, 2010 at 23:30
I don't like the method used for the oanda history, why it can not be more automated like they do on currensee site?
Membre depuis Aug 24, 2010   posts 21
Dec 15, 2010 at 21:20
speki, it doesn't work if you try to get a large quantity of history, trust me. Not via MyFXBook, not via Oanda's website direct. I've reported it to Oanda also and they've acknowledged it as a problem. (I'm trying to get 3 years worth of data. 2 years still works. Getting the 3 years in succession works. Hence my original suggestion/request.)

Direct via browser you get:
"504 Gateway Time-out

... after about a minute of waiting. Presumably this is exactly what happens to MyFXBook when it tries to collect the data.

Membre depuis Nov 18, 2009   posts 708
Dec 15, 2010 at 21:49
What is that large quantity of history? Not years, rows please.
You said let's upload our history manually and I don't think it's a good idea because anyone could upload anything then.
Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you and who have no agenda for your reform.
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