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- Trade Analytics added to Advanced Statistics Tab
Trade Analytics added to Advanced Statistics Tab résultats de vote
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Discussion Trade Analytics added to Advanced Statistics Tab

Membre depuis Sep 09, 2013
posts 406
Nov 26, 2013 at 08:09
Membre depuis Sep 09, 2013
posts 406
Individual trade data is very useful and I appreciate the accuracy of this feature. I would like to see a summary of these statistics available in the Advanced Statistics Tab that would include the following:
All the catergories that we can currently view individually should be summarized to display the Max and Min.
For example: Historical Maximum Drawdown in Pips
It would be beneficial to be able to View that Specific Trade once these New data criteria are added. It would allow us to see how trading system manage their worst case scenarios.
It would be an advantage when deciding autotrade signal providers.
All the catergories that we can currently view individually should be summarized to display the Max and Min.
For example: Historical Maximum Drawdown in Pips
It would be beneficial to be able to View that Specific Trade once these New data criteria are added. It would allow us to see how trading system manage their worst case scenarios.
It would be an advantage when deciding autotrade signal providers.

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