5% Day - Goal (de MasterMP)

Gain : -99.9%
Drawdown 99.95%
Pips: -31422.4
Transactions 10374
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:500
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion 5% Day - Goal

May 08, 2020 at 16:36
Vues 563
7 Replies
Membre depuis Feb 14, 2020   posts 3
May 08, 2020 at 16:37
Let’s try to achieve 5% a day
Membre depuis Dec 18, 2019   posts 31
May 08, 2020 at 17:47
what this -99.35% u blew the account?

5% a day is possible. 25% a week is easier. its prety easier to focus. i used to have daily targets but to achieve them i had to stay on pc all day long.

Membre depuis Jan 06, 2020   posts 83
May 08, 2020 at 21:32
You should really go and learn how to trade with stoplosses and that is the only way you can achieve that. And try and verify your track records as it's not varified yet and showing confusing numbers.
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Membre depuis Aug 18, 2015   posts 23
May 09, 2020 at 07:31
nikosk0 posted:
what this -99.35% u blew the account?

5% a day is possible. 25% a week is easier. its prety easier to focus. i used to have daily targets but to achieve them i had to stay on pc all day long.

I think, -99.35% means the account is blown.
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Membre depuis May 09, 2020   posts 2
May 09, 2020 at 16:19
Hola y usted administra cuentas pamm. Gracias
Membre depuis Feb 14, 2020   posts 3
May 09, 2020 at 16:53
Yes, I blew the acc in the beginning cause of small deposits and different testing. So take a look at the time from the last deposit.
The daily target is mean as an average value. So the 25 a week are also a good target
Membre depuis Feb 14, 2020   posts 3
May 09, 2020 at 16:54
Signal will be open next week for following and pamm coming soon also. Interested?
Membre depuis Dec 18, 2019   posts 31
May 09, 2020 at 17:53
not at all interested, was just thinking u were an amateur who wanted opinions
 i do prety well on my own
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