5000-Pips-Monthly (de forexeabuster)
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Discussion 5000-Pips-Monthly
Membre depuis Oct 14, 2009
posts 23
May 10, 2010 at 08:41
Membre depuis Oct 14, 2009
posts 23
Managed Forex Account: 5000-Pips-Monthly
How it works??
1.Open a Forex Account in your Name (Help provided.)
2.Fund This Account. Suggested Investment 5,000 (Mini Account) or $500(Micro Account).
3.Send us your login to trade on your behalf.
4.Our performance fee 50% of the profit. No profit No commission.
5.Money in your account can only be withdrawn by YOU.
6.You can withdraw anytime
7.10 years of experience in forex.
8. Maximum drawdown on account is 1000 pips.
For more info contact: [email protected]
How it works??
1.Open a Forex Account in your Name (Help provided.)
2.Fund This Account. Suggested Investment 5,000 (Mini Account) or $500(Micro Account).
3.Send us your login to trade on your behalf.
4.Our performance fee 50% of the profit. No profit No commission.
5.Money in your account can only be withdrawn by YOU.
6.You can withdraw anytime
7.10 years of experience in forex.
8. Maximum drawdown on account is 1000 pips.
For more info contact: [email protected]
Membre depuis Sep 04, 2009
posts 849
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2010
posts 3
May 14, 2010 at 15:02
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2010
posts 3
Been following your trading this week since you started this thread...very interesting that you mention the "Maximum DD is 1000 pips....currently, on your 10k demo, the DD is 50%....so im not sure if you a) have many happy clients, or b) will get any new clients untill you can manage the DD more effectively
Been following your trading this week since you started this thread...very interesting that you mention the "Maximum DD is 1000 pips....currently, on your 10k demo, the DD is 50%....so im not sure if you a) have many happy clients, or b) will get any new clients untill you can manage the DD more effectively

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