BPGE (PAMM account) (de forex_trader_100568)

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Discussion BPGE (PAMM account)

Mar 28, 2014 at 08:46
Vues 23,123
545 Replies
Membre depuis Dec 05, 2015   posts 38
Apr 19, 2016 at 13:44
Now -20% but still no change myxbook. Why, bp??
Membre depuis Dec 05, 2015   posts 38
Apr 19, 2016 at 14:58
Now, account is -30%. Myfxbook show -3%. Whats going on, bp? Everyone facing this problem? Where is everyone? Write about your account.
Membre depuis Jan 16, 2016   posts 20
Apr 19, 2016 at 14:59
Same here.

Balance 790 $
Profit - 593 $

This must be a bug!!
Membre depuis Nov 25, 2012   posts 122
Apr 20, 2016 at 05:51
The next person to post a question that has already been answered multiple times will be banned from investing :)


Membre depuis Apr 07, 2016   posts 5
Apr 20, 2016 at 06:26
Same here. Either a bug or we are getting slaughtered
Membre depuis Dec 05, 2015   posts 38
Apr 20, 2016 at 06:27
Now -32%. Whats going on? Where is bp?? Say about this bp.
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2016   posts 52
Apr 20, 2016 at 06:27
Balance $3400
Equity $2400
Membre depuis Apr 12, 2016   posts 21
Apr 20, 2016 at 06:29
Hi everyone,

Priorfx answered me, It's a bug :) :) I feel better about myself. (My account and myfx book tell my drawdown is about 98% lol)

Let's read their answer below :

"Pls do not pay attention to the equity. It is shown incorrectly. Your account is connected to the MAM, and volume distributes proportionally. So the size that you are getting much less than 0.01 lot. You can see it in the comment to the closed trade. But unfortunately MT4 cannot work with the size less than 0.01. So it shows wrong calculation. It is common problem to all small accounts, where the size is below 0.01 lot.

You can see the result only in closed trades.

Soon we will implement the proper calculation to our clients area. "
Membre depuis Apr 12, 2016   posts 21
Apr 20, 2016 at 06:32
Good evening,

System is working good.
First profit taken by closing 241 at the same time on a little bounce of the market.

Your trading is incredible.

Best regards.😉
Membre depuis Dec 01, 2015   posts 10
Apr 20, 2016 at 06:32
God. BP already said this was a bug. You just have to read! start around page 27

BP33 posted:
Check the previous posts.

There's a bug in their new client area which causes the figures to look way off.

*It's definitely only a display issue*

I'm told the ETA for a fix is 2 weeks. They've got to finish the new client area first.

You can check the account stats here on myfxbook, if the account isn't blowing up then
Membre depuis Nov 29, 2015   posts 26
Apr 20, 2016 at 06:35
hopefully someone can answer this question for me the Draw-down for Sector 1 Moderate is 3.28% but on the draw down tab the highest it has been is .28% which was on the 14th of April 2016 is this just a bug?
Membre depuis Nov 06, 2015   posts 88
Apr 20, 2016 at 07:28
Vengence posted:
hopefully someone can answer this question for me the Draw-down for Sector 1 Moderate is 3.28% but on the draw down tab the highest it has been is .28% which was on the 14th of April 2016 is this just a bug?

The way I understand it is that one represents equity drawdown while the one on the chart represent balance drawdown.

This means that at certain point of time the equity (which is the only real value of the account) was down 3.28%. Obviously later the account recovered being the maximum balance DD (balance reflects only closed transactions) .28.

I hope this helps.
Membre depuis Nov 25, 2012   posts 122
Apr 20, 2016 at 07:32
Pablo51 posted:
Vengence posted:
hopefully someone can answer this question for me the Draw-down for Sector 1 Moderate is 3.28% but on the draw down tab the highest it has been is .28% which was on the 14th of April 2016 is this just a bug?

The way I understand it is that one represents equity drawdown while the one on the chart represent balance drawdown.

This means that at certain point of time the equity (which is the only real value of the account) was down 3.28%. Obviously later the account recovered being the maximum balance DD (balance reflects only closed transactions) .28.

I hope this helps.

There's an issue with myfxbook - basically it can't keep up properly, which is pretty useless really.

By all means ask myfxbook support why they can't do one of the things that they're actually supposed to be good for.

At the bottom of the page, click on "Report A Bug!" and ask them why they can't provide a basic service and when will they fix it :)
Membre depuis Apr 07, 2016   posts 5
Apr 20, 2016 at 12:44
Pablo51 posted:
Vengence posted:
hopefully someone can answer this question for me the Draw-down for Sector 1 Moderate is 3.28% but on the draw down tab the highest it has been is .28% which was on the 14th of April 2016 is this just a bug?

The way I understand it is that one represents equity drawdown while the one on the chart represent balance drawdown.

This means that at certain point of time the equity (which is the only real value of the account) was down 3.28%. Obviously later the account recovered being the maximum balance DD (balance reflects only closed transactions) .28.

I hope this helps.

That is also my understanding. Would be nice to be able to see a correct representation of equity (closed + open positions P/L) somewhere.
Membre depuis Nov 25, 2012   posts 122
Apr 21, 2016 at 04:52
Zetovs posted:
Pablo51 posted:
Vengence posted:
hopefully someone can answer this question for me the Draw-down for Sector 1 Moderate is 3.28% but on the draw down tab the highest it has been is .28% which was on the 14th of April 2016 is this just a bug?

The way I understand it is that one represents equity drawdown while the one on the chart represent balance drawdown.

This means that at certain point of time the equity (which is the only real value of the account) was down 3.28%. Obviously later the account recovered being the maximum balance DD (balance reflects only closed transactions) .28.

I hope this helps.

That is also my understanding. Would be nice to be able to see a correct representation of equity (closed + open positions P/L) somewhere.

"There's an issue with myfxbook"


What part of that is not clear to you?
Membre depuis Nov 25, 2012   posts 122
Apr 21, 2016 at 05:13

***The only place anyone should be getting the forms required to invest is from PriorFX.***

Once their website updates are completed you won't even have to ask for them.

It would seem some 'websites' are hosting a modified version of the form that is saying the client (YOU) accepts a much higher drawdown %

***That is not the correct document to sign and there is absolutely ZERO need to accept a higher drawdown***
Membre depuis Jul 02, 2013   posts 13
Apr 22, 2016 at 07:57
He has made 1664 $ with a pip of 971, so lot size should be around 0.2 . min lot size you can trade is forex is 0.01. So doing the calculation to be the follower of the signal you should have an account size of 40,000 $ and lot size will be 0.01 to get the same gain and dd.
Membre depuis Jul 02, 2013   posts 13
Apr 22, 2016 at 07:59
Also he has made 9065$ with a pip of 6912 , so for his account size lot size should be around 0.1 to 0.2 .
He has made a max dd of 3.28% . so in an account size of around 800K he would have had a negative pips of around 12k to 24k pips.

So for an account size of 10k with min of 0.01 lot size, max dd would have be around 13%. Just with this account size and doubling the lot size ie 0.02 lot max dd would be 26%. Max dd would be more if your account size is less than 10k.

Membre depuis Mar 24, 2015   posts 1
Apr 22, 2016 at 08:02

First, thanks for your work BP33. BPGE give me a great return 😁 , it was a fantastic investment.

I invested in Sector 1 Moderate from (2016.04.12) up to date (2016.04.22) profit always negative (-2% / -4%) I see chart in myfxbook and I think my profit should be positive perhaps 1%-2%.

In daily confirmation from PriorFX i see a lot of tranactions but nowhere mention Sector 1. I wonder Am I investing under sector 1?

Best regards
Membre depuis Nov 29, 2015   posts 26
Apr 22, 2016 at 08:26
silviayjose posted:

First, thanks for your work BP33. BPGE give me a great return 😁 , it was a fantastic investment.

I invested in Sector 1 Moderate from (2016.04.12) up to date (2016.04.22) profit always negative (-2% / -4%) I see chart in myfxbook and I think my profit should be positive perhaps 1%-2%.

In daily confirmation from PriorFX i see a lot of tranactions but nowhere mention Sector 1. I wonder Am I investing under sector 1?

Best regards

pretty sure it's just a bug it should be fixed soon
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