Cerebro_Trader (de Cerebro_Trader)
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Discussion Cerebro_Trader
Oct 10, 2009 at 11:04
Membre depuis Sep 20, 2009
posts 11
I am interested in your EA. It seems to be working very well.
I have back tested and forward tested over 400 EAs and my criteria for a good EA is to be able to go right through 2008 without a wipe out. Normally 90% of robots will wipe out between October and December 2008.
I would be very interested in testing your EA. Could you please send me a demo to try?
I am interested in your EA. It seems to be working very well.
I have back tested and forward tested over 400 EAs and my criteria for a good EA is to be able to go right through 2008 without a wipe out. Normally 90% of robots will wipe out between October and December 2008.
I would be very interested in testing your EA. Could you please send me a demo to try?
"If you are less optimistic then you will be less disappointed"
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2009
posts 13
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2009
posts 13
Membre depuis Sep 14, 2009
posts 13

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