eramar89 (de eramar89)
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Discussion eramar89
Membre depuis Feb 05, 2010
posts 13
Feb 10, 2014 at 09:53
Membre depuis Oct 07, 2012
posts 16
what information did you want
well i trade manually
and i never trade during economic news as it it too risky at news time
my monthly goal is between 15-20%
and daily goal is 1%
DD will be always below 10% (it has increased to 11% but only because i made withdrawal thus total capital become less and dd inc while closing trade)
well i trade manually
and i never trade during economic news as it it too risky at news time
my monthly goal is between 15-20%
and daily goal is 1%
DD will be always below 10% (it has increased to 11% but only because i made withdrawal thus total capital become less and dd inc while closing trade)
10 pips a day and you will be millionaire in two years

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