Evolution MAM (de EvolutionForex)

Gain : +675.77%
Drawdown 44.54%
Pips: 143144.8
Transactions 9809
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:100
Trading: Manuel

Discussion Evolution MAM

Jun 08, 2015 at 03:37
Vues 1,240
18 Replies
Membre depuis Apr 25, 2013   posts 102
Jun 16, 2015 at 07:07
About your other account: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/autotrade/ambush-capital/1036189

Didn't "Boston Prime" ended up in bankruptcy?
Patience, focus and self-control to win the game with diligence.
Membre depuis Apr 30, 2015   posts 9
Jun 16, 2015 at 12:22
Yes Boston Prime is bankrupt, Myfxbook needs to update the server name. Ambush Capital's account is with Forexware Markets/FXDD on Boston Technologies Live Server.
Membre depuis Apr 27, 2015   posts 26
Jun 17, 2015 at 00:18
Is there possible to follow you on autotrade or anything else?
Membre depuis Apr 30, 2015   posts 9
Jun 17, 2015 at 01:16
system2222 posted:
Is there possible to follow you on autotrade or anything else?

Hi system2222 , Evolution and its trading is preserved for MAM investors only.
Membre depuis Apr 30, 2015   posts 9
Jun 17, 2015 at 04:06
Everyone, we have excellent news. With our partner broker ,Tier1FX, you can open custodial bank accounts at Dukascopy Bank and Macquarie Bank in Australia. This is the safest method of funds security. Ideal for large investors interested in our MAM and traders. Please find the details at https://evolutionforex.com/forex-custody-bank-accounts/
Membre depuis Apr 30, 2015   posts 9
Jul 25, 2015 at 17:01
Hello Everyone, We are happy to announce we can now accept US Clients in our MAM who qualify under CFTC Eligible Contract Participant (ECP). For more information please visit https://evolutionforex.com/cftc-ecp-managed-forex-accounts-us/
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2011   posts 1768
Oct 09, 2015 at 20:08
such a bid dd for such a serious investment is non sens,those traders seem to have lost their compass
Membre depuis Oct 23, 2013   posts 38
Nov 05, 2015 at 07:35
rob559 posted:
such a bid dd for such a serious investment is non sens,those traders seem to have lost their compass

20% dd is nothing in forex when you consider our stats. DD is also relative and salable depending on what you goals are. We have a double leverage mam, an normal mam and 1/2 leverage .
Membre depuis Apr 25, 2013   posts 102
Nov 07, 2015 at 08:01
Talking about Ambush, why don't you close now? Take all those floating profits! 😲

Patience, focus and self-control to win the game with diligence.
Membre depuis Oct 23, 2013   posts 38
Nov 09, 2015 at 07:20
VictorTous posted:
Talking about Ambush, why don't you close now? Take all those floating profits! 😲


Hi Victor, the ambush capital account is highly leveraged now and the client deposited for us to do this before we "stepped on the gas". We have been scaling and trailing stops slowly but our setups are not even near their targets yet. We may be forced to close out soon as client is eager to cash out but, despite that we are at that time of year when the big market trends can happen and this is usually where our trading thrives. That being said, while the gain is massive, it's likely just the beginning of things to come if market volatility is really starting now.

Evolution MAM clients have a similar gain on a lower multiple but the results are muted on myfxbook because some deposits were made by new investors AFTER it entered this current winning trade set. https://www.myfxbook.com/members/EvolutionForex/evolution-mam/1273122

You can see a better view of the current evolution trading on the bonus mam https://www.myfxbook.com/members/EvolutionForex/evolution-mam-bonus-leverage-2x/1354314

Bonus mam is the Evolution mam with 2X leverage. It's for people that want to keep less on deposit with the broker or take more risk.
Membre depuis Apr 25, 2013   posts 102
Jan 05, 2016 at 23:22
Ambush_Trader posted:
VictorTous posted:
Talking about Ambush, why don't you close now? Take all those floating profits! 😲


Hi Victor, the ambush capital account is highly leveraged now and the client deposited for us to do this before we "stepped on the gas". We have been scaling and trailing stops slowly but our setups are not even near their targets yet. We may be forced to close out soon as client is eager to cash out but, despite that we are at that time of year when the big market trends can happen and this is usually where our trading thrives. That being said, while the gain is massive, it's likely just the beginning of things to come if market volatility is really starting now.

Evolution MAM clients have a similar gain on a lower multiple but the results are muted on myfxbook because some deposits were made by new investors AFTER it entered this current winning trade set. https://www.myfxbook.com/members/EvolutionForex/evolution-mam/1273122

You can see a better view of the current evolution trading on the bonus mam https://www.myfxbook.com/members/EvolutionForex/evolution-mam-bonus-leverage-2x/1354314

Bonus mam is the Evolution mam with 2X leverage. It's for people that want to keep less on deposit with the broker or take more risk.

Hello :)

Thanks a lot for your reply!

What happened to Ambush?
Did your cliente finally chased out?

Patience, focus and self-control to win the game with diligence.
Membre depuis Oct 23, 2013   posts 38
Jan 06, 2016 at 08:31
VictorTous posted:

Hello :)

Thanks a lot for your reply!

What happened to Ambush?
Did your cliente finally chased out?


Hello, Yes Ambush cap account is closed out an no longer live. Majority of funds were put into evolution mam
Membre depuis Feb 19, 2010   posts 31
Mar 02, 2016 at 13:46
Hello, do you trade fundamentals or technicals?
Membre depuis Apr 30, 2015   posts 9
Mar 02, 2016 at 16:55
Hello fxsuper ,

We only trade technicals.
Membre depuis Feb 19, 2010   posts 31
Mar 02, 2016 at 19:10
EvolutionForex posted:
Hello fxsuper ,

We only trade technicals.

Hello, thanks for your reply.

Can you explain a little bit your trades? What are the main techincal tools do you use for entries? (trendline breakout, channels, Elliotts... etc..) i'm very amazed to see often very accurate timing on entry.. congrats 😉
Membre depuis Apr 30, 2015   posts 9
Mar 03, 2016 at 07:37
fxsuper posted:
EvolutionForex posted:
Hello fxsuper ,

We only trade technicals.

Hello, thanks for your reply.

Can you explain a little bit your trades? What are the main techincal tools do you use for entries? (trendline breakout, channels, Elliotts... etc..) i'm very amazed to see often very accurate timing on entry.. congrats 😉

Hello fxsuper, we only use fibs to identify our pattern, entry, stops and exit levels. Our entry style is swing so we are either really right or really wrong on our entries but have a decent risk/reward method to get us ahead with less winning trades than losers.
Membre depuis Feb 19, 2010   posts 31
Mar 13, 2016 at 10:29
Hi EvolutionForex, your profits are sky rocket, congratulation! What are time frame where do you apply your strategy? I found that higher TF such us H4 or Daily are much more reliable for every strategy, isn't it? Maybe you are also doing Top-Down approach with higher TF?
Membre depuis Apr 25, 2013   posts 102
Apr 19, 2016 at 01:38
Wow, so high potential profits, just to end up like this at the end... Why not closing big winning positions, once the trend they are riding is starting to exhaust, before reversing?
Patience, focus and self-control to win the game with diligence.
Membre depuis Apr 25, 2013   posts 102
May 31, 2016 at 07:02
Patience, focus and self-control to win the game with diligence.
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