Fusion Forex Robot v1.3 (de roottrading)
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Discussion Fusion Forex Robot v1.3

Membre depuis Jul 25, 2011
posts 34
Sep 12, 2011 at 08:01
Membre depuis Jul 25, 2011
posts 34
I am not the author of the ea!.The vendor does not want to answer!!!Version v1.2 does not work well as v1.1 or v1.3.The backtest of v1.2 at the official webpage is fake!!!Just see at the parameters:max open orders=4 and there are 10 orders at the statement!!!I am sure that v1.3 is the same as v1.1 with the basic difference of lotsize choice at the settings.I hope Jamie Sykes will answer....if he wants to sell his ea.

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