FX JetBot (de forexstore)

Gain : +1643.53%
Drawdown 39.65%
Pips: 3622.5
Transactions 208
Type: Réel
Levier: -
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion FX JetBot

Jan 09 at 19:08
Vues 177
1 Replies
Membre depuis Jul 15, 2024   posts 1
Nov 05 at 02:44
How often do the graphs update? It's been 2 weeks.
Membre depuis Dec 07, 2018   posts 2
Nov 05 at 16:25
tdcooper926 posted:
How often do the graphs update? It's been 2 weeks.
The graphs update every 5 minutes. We checked just now, and all the graphs are updated. You can see it in the left column above the 'Tracking' value—it has the name 'Updated.' But if there have been no new orders or closed orders for 2 weeks, the graphs will not change but will still be updated.
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