FXMasterMIND (de copytrades)

Gain : +2.26M%
Drawdown 41.19%
Pips: 6235.0
Transactions 586
Type: Réel
Levier: 1:300
Trading: Inconnu

Discussion FXMasterMIND

Aug 28, 2017 at 05:54
Vues 2,639
28 Replies
Membre depuis Feb 21, 2015   posts 52
Oct 04, 2017 at 07:23
scambuster posted:

First of all you need to clear one thing,, I am not trading with CAPXM itself rather I am trading with GICM ( Gicmarkets.com). I get to know that CAPXM is just a technology provider not a broker. So you can check from GICM from your end.

Another thing,, this is not first time I did this kind of high frequency trading. I have so many track record in different brokers including USFX, FXPRO, FBS, VANTAGE, GICM that you can check from my portfolio.
This is not ideal... to call a broker scam until or unless we are getting solid evidence about this. I place many withdraw in GICM and I got all of them. So far no problem and I am actively trading with them.

Very important issue: It's not possible to show any fack trading record using myfxbook. My profile is verified so don't make me confused. MT4 is a very secure platform where broker itself unable to do any scam,, if they can then you may get so many high profile in myfxbook.
Trading Psychology is very important for trading success!
Membre depuis Feb 21, 2015   posts 52
Oct 04, 2017 at 07:23
My plan to keep this kind of trading for few months then will reduce risk level. All trades includes SL and TP. Early october had some loss with GJ.
Trading Psychology is very important for trading success!
Membre depuis Jan 24, 2017   posts 104
Nov 14, 2017 at 17:48
copytrades posted:
My plan to keep this kind of trading for few months then will reduce risk level. All trades includes SL and TP. Early october had some loss with GJ.

Your trading is amazing. What do you plan to do, sell your signals..?..
Membre depuis Nov 12, 2017   posts 1
Dec 29, 2017 at 13:24
brother I have knocked you in facebook
Membre depuis Mar 09, 2018   posts 132
Apr 23, 2018 at 10:18
Manipulated initial gains to attract investors. Myfxbook should ban users selling their systems based on manipulated results. Actual profit will be nowhere near to what account is showing and its also in constant floating DD. Calmar ratio is terrible and there are plenty accounts that can make better returns on lower risk and not be in danger of blowing up.

Do not be naive guys.
Membre depuis Jan 27, 2013   posts 427
Apr 23, 2018 at 12:00
sjkhaushu posted:
Manipulated initial gains to attract investors. Myfxbook should ban users selling their systems based on manipulated results. Actual profit will be nowhere near to what account is showing and its also in constant floating DD. Calmar ratio is terrible and there are plenty accounts that can make better returns on lower risk and not be in danger of blowing up.

Do not be naive guys.

And where do you see any problems with account being continuously in DD?
I have also an account, manual trades there, which for more than a year was, and still is, all time in DD ( https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ovisun/tickmill-ln/1838216). I invested 1000$ and meanwhile already withdrawn 9500$!!! Same thing can be done by somebody else, if you can not, is your problem, or you can subscribe to my signal (https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/236451), or to FXMasterMind signal...
Maybe I wish to subscribe to FXMasterMind for diversification of my portfolio...

@ FX Master Mind : do not take in consideration all these naysayers.
Membre depuis Mar 09, 2018   posts 132
Apr 23, 2018 at 12:38
ovisun posted:
sjkhaushu posted:
Manipulated initial gains to attract investors. Myfxbook should ban users selling their systems based on manipulated results. Actual profit will be nowhere near to what account is showing and its also in constant floating DD. Calmar ratio is terrible and there are plenty accounts that can make better returns on lower risk and not be in danger of blowing up.

Do not be naive guys.

And where do you see any problems with account being continuously in DD?
I have also an account, manual trades there, which for more than a year was, and still is, all time in DD ( https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ovisun/tickmill-ln/1838216). I invested 1000$ and meanwhile already withdrawn 9500$!!! Same thing can be done by somebody else, if you can not, is your problem, or you can subscribe to my signal (https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/236451), or to FXMasterMind signal...
Maybe I wish to subscribe to FXMasterMind for diversification of my portfolio...

@ FX Master Mind : do not take in consideration all these naysayers.

I cant take you seriously with such posts. I look for pro traders and you are showing me this mess. Does anyone actualy subscribe to this? I would like to see who those poor souls are.
Membre depuis Aug 05, 2016   posts 119
May 03, 2018 at 06:24
ovisun posted:
Those poor souls are in attached picture, plus 3 more on mql5.com

Yes, if @ovisun 's performance and returns carry over to his subscribers and/or MAM clients, I would say they would be happy both with costs of subscription and also the performance fees he would charge on a fund.
I am consistently amazed by his results and his money/risk management where it does seems to carry risk all the time. never flat.
So I have seen others use this method, must keep track of risk, trading ranges, and maximum loss you would accept on each trades when you run numerous open trades for a long time.

@ovisun hope maybe in future you would deem that my signal/PAMM fund is also a good alternative for your diversification.
PAM Fund (Mount Cook Financial). Please vouch for my system. “Learn from your mistakes and do not give up!”
Membre depuis Oct 12, 2018   posts 2
Oct 21, 2018 at 07:27

I want this EA I want that no matter what.
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