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- FxPro_MD
FxPro_MD (de fxcbspro)
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Discussion FxPro_MD
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010
posts 411
Dec 16, 2010 at 16:20
Membre depuis Jan 14, 2010
posts 411
Grobi01 posted:
Someone who sells his own EA and bashes other EA´s isn´t a serious man! I also trade MD on a live account and my results are the same! It all depends on the broker you use!
Oh, I'm amazed, sure I must buy it 😁.
Money makes more money $ ... $$$
Membre depuis May 13, 2010
posts 4

Membre depuis Jan 16, 2011
posts 69
Membre depuis Jan 06, 2011
posts 233
Jan 20, 2011 at 03:46
(édité Jan 20, 2011 at 03:46)
Membre depuis Jan 06, 2011
posts 233
hagenuk posted:
Hi Fxprod_MD,
This morning or rather 10mins ago I saw that you have a open trade with a lost of -$550+++ and why is it that I don't see any of the trade history and not in the open trade now ?
Maybe they took a work lol
Knowledge Is Power
Membre depuis Mar 29, 2011
posts 1
Apr 03, 2011 at 03:01
Membre depuis Mar 29, 2011
posts 1
primevalea posted:
Imagine 3 hits in a row like that which is possible, one year's profit would be gone in no time with this useless EA 😈
Primevalea, your lost all the investor's money in FXSALT managed account program ? saw the equity there dropped to 5% and not the record has been removed...
Stable growth, month after month.

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