FxRelax (de fxrelax1)

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Discussion FxRelax

Sep 09, 2016 at 11:37
Vues 491
2 Replies
Membre depuis May 21, 2013   posts 12
Oct 05, 2016 at 09:50
hello is anyone using this signals. are they trustworthy
why there are no trading history befor September 2016?
trading should'nt be stressful,it should be full of joy
Membre depuis May 21, 2013   posts 12
Oct 27, 2016 at 07:58
please stay away from this signal service i've monitored their performance here on myfxbook and yesterday they lost 700 pips they blew this account. and they will blow your account too
i have worked with numerous of signal services all of them are scam
because no successful trader sell signals thats the reality of market and i lost so much money to scam signal providers.

trading should'nt be stressful,it should be full of joy
Membre depuis May 21, 2013   posts 12
Nov 01, 2016 at 11:56
wow honesly guys why do yu even bother your'e in 1500 pip drawdown even with a 10000$ account and 2percent risk per trade youre about 3000$ down i less than a week , how do i put it better you lost about 2 month of your work in just 1 week
trading should'nt be stressful,it should be full of joy
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