Golden Bull Signal2forex (de Tradd9)

Gain : +7546.0%
Drawdown 2.64%
Pips: 1881.3
Transactions 114
Type: Démo
Levier: 1:500
Trading: Automatisé

Discussion Golden Bull Signal2forex

Apr 12, 2018 at 21:57
Vues 934
2 Replies
Membre depuis Apr 21, 2013   posts 258
Apr 17, 2018 at 10:08
really guys....5 pages of trades with EXACTLY 19.5 pips profit and then all of a sudden he moves from trading 0.35 lots down to 0.01 lots. My guess is that he started a signal service right at the time he dropped his trades down to 0.01 lots.
Membre depuis Apr 29, 2018   posts 4
May 06, 2018 at 06:30
A failed system by any means can not afford its losses
Membre depuis Apr 29, 2018   posts 4
May 06, 2018 at 06:30
suttos posted:
really guys....5 pages of trades with EXACTLY 19.5 pips profit and then all of a sudden he moves from trading 0.35 lots down to 0.01 lots. My guess is that he started a signal service right at the time he dropped his trades down to 0.01 lots.

It is not possible to be the same person who was already trading

Now it has become a failure
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