Goldilocks2 (de gwindy)

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Discussion Goldilocks2

Jan 07, 2015 at 02:56
Vues 1,584
30 Replies
Membre depuis May 19, 2013   posts 11
Mar 19, 2015 at 11:05
Our accounts were completly burned out,by using Vortex And Rev.
Good luck at using them both.They bring fortune mate!

p.s gwindy your account is not updating,but I am positive that u got margin call and your trades were closed.I feel u 100%.
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. –Henry Ford
Membre depuis May 10, 2011   posts 193
Mar 19, 2015 at 11:19
What happened gwindy!? Official myfxbook for RTP continues ok so why this? Did Vortex EA do you in?
My tester for a StrategyQuant developed EA is always engaging its breakeven for these situations, so I don't see why you should have to put up with this.
Also, per "if it ain't broke, why fix it" applies to just continuing with RTP, not adding another EA.
don't believe 99.9% of the EA e-ads out there my friends!
Membre depuis Aug 23, 2014   posts 76
Mar 19, 2015 at 13:45
TrustInMe posted:
Our accounts were completly burned out,by using Vortex And Rev.
Good luck at using them both.They bring fortune mate!

p.s gwindy your account is not updating,but I am positive that u got margin call and your trades were closed.I feel u 100%.

Thanks Alex, I feel for you too dude. My RTP trades turned into since profits, but my Vortex trades got margin called and sucked my account also dry.
Membre depuis Aug 23, 2014   posts 76
Mar 19, 2015 at 13:46
Batcheler posted:
What happened gwindy!? Official myfxbook for RTP continues ok so why this? Did Vortex EA do you in?
My tester for a StrategyQuant developed EA is always engaging its breakeven for these situations, so I don't see why you should have to put up with this.
Also, per "if it ain't broke, why fix it" applies to just continuing with RTP, not adding another EA.

Hi Batchboy, two NZD trades hit stop losses on RTP, but a few more AUD and NZD trades today recouped the loss nicely. Unfortunately, my Vortex trades totally wiped me out. The developer of VTP sent an email recommending the EA be turned off, but I didn't check my emails today (which I usually do religiously). You are right...I should not have added another EA as RTP is still doing well and in good profit. I will keep my head up and see if I can slowly rebuild.
Membre depuis Aug 23, 2014   posts 76
Mar 19, 2015 at 13:46
I must apologies to everyone for muddling up my account with Vortex trades. RTP is an excellent EA and is still highly profitable- despite what my account looks like.
Membre depuis May 19, 2013   posts 11
Mar 19, 2015 at 13:47
Same happend to me.Trust me.My hall account got blown by Vortex Ea.Just 1 week and its gone.It's unreal how unsafe it is.....
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. –Henry Ford
Membre depuis Aug 21, 2012   posts 2
Mar 20, 2015 at 12:23
Hey Gwindy are you running 3 max trades on RTP?
Membre depuis May 10, 2011   posts 193
May 01, 2015 at 23:58
Hi Gwindy, glad to hear rtp still doing ok for you. You have a myfxbook hookup for it?
don't believe 99.9% of the EA e-ads out there my friends!
Membre depuis May 10, 2011   posts 193
Jul 24, 2015 at 17:02
Is this Goldilocks2 where you'll be cranking up your rtp again Gwindy? Hopefully in learned position?
don't believe 99.9% of the EA e-ads out there my friends!
Membre depuis Aug 23, 2014   posts 76
Jul 25, 2015 at 02:23
Hi Jerry, I'm still observing RTP's performance before I jump back in. Makes sense to use this account again though, thanks for the idea. I will see how the next week goes and try and hook it back up on my VPS.
Membre depuis May 10, 2011   posts 193
Jul 26, 2015 at 18:09
gwindy posted:
Hi Jerry, I'm still observing RTP's performance before I jump back in. Makes sense to use this account again though, thanks for the idea. I will see how the next week goes and try and hook it back up on my VPS.

Thx, great!
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don't believe 99.9% of the EA e-ads out there my friends!
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