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Nov 02, 2015 at 15:29
Vues 594
2 Replies
Membre depuis Aug 05, 2016   posts 119
Sep 09, 2018 at 05:56
Not sure if it's because you rely too heavily on EA's or what. But I would say work on developing a strategy that has more proven success and also most importantly make a Risk Management plan using MFA/MAE by researching the times when this strategy did perform relatively well and for consecutive months.
I know how much it , but dealing with failure before it grows is much better. don't give up. come back and fix the mistakes.
Membre depuis Aug 05, 2016   posts 119
Oct 09, 2018 at 12:59
Maybe study from a commodity trader. You're missing the cycles and the timings.
You buy buy buy, but gold keeps dropping.
Membre depuis Apr 30, 2013   posts 55
Oct 30, 2018 at 05:20
im not missing anything, im not trading with the big guys but against them and always have been succesful doing that. but perhaps its good advice for people new to trading gold.
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