GPS Robot(Fast)EUR/USDx3 (de chkochong)

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Discussion GPS Robot(Fast)EUR/USDx3

Jun 10, 2020 at 11:46
Vues 804
6 Replies
Membre depuis Jun 17, 2020   posts 1
Jun 18, 2020 at 21:33
What are the settings for Fast Setting? My gps has yet to make any trades.
Money makes money
Membre depuis Mar 03, 2020   posts 10
Jun 19, 2020 at 04:41
Planning on showing us real account sometime soon? Thanks
Membre depuis May 15, 2019   posts 60
Jun 19, 2020 at 06:10
glebismailov posted:
Planning on showing us real account sometime soon? Thanks

Yes I already have a live account with gps, check this out:
Membre depuis May 15, 2019   posts 60
Jun 19, 2020 at 06:11
rhin0xx posted:
What are the settings for Fast Setting? My gps has yet to make any trades.

Feel free to check all my settings by clicking the 'General Tab' located next to 'Info' and 'Stat' on your left side of the myfxbook account.

Actually, Fast settings simply means set 'Auto Analysis' to 'False', by doing so, the gps robot will place one trade per pair every day. The default settings is what we usually called slow setttings in which Auto Analysis is set to True, with that settings, the gps only place one or two trades per pair per week. Hope that helps.

If you still haven't purchased gps robot and wish to do so, feel free to use my link:

For broker, I use FxChoice as they are strongly recommended by gps robot which turn out to be very good and trusted broker. You won't regret using them as they will not cheat on you or give you any problems such as delaying your withdrawals or keep calling you and ask you to increase your deposits and so on. And their support is simply awesome and instant. If you wish to use them, here is the link for you:

Wish you all the best. Take care and God bless:)
Membre depuis May 15, 2019   posts 60
Jun 19, 2020 at 10:50
Sorry for the wrong GPS robot link I sent out earlier, please disregard that old link and use this new link as follow:

Thanks and God bless everyone.

Membre depuis May 15, 2019   posts 60
Jun 19, 2020 at 10:53
if you still can't access my gps link, just delete the fouth character "s" from the "https" and make it "http", then you will be able to access my link. thanks
Membre depuis May 15, 2019   posts 60
Jun 19, 2020 at 10:55
glebismailov posted:
Planning on showing us real account sometime soon? Thanks

If you still haven't purchased gps robot and wish to do so, feel free to use my link:

For broker, I use FxChoice as they are strongly recommended by gps robot which turn out to be very good and trusted broker. You won't regret using them as they will not cheat on you or give you any problems such as delaying your withdrawals or keep calling you and ask you to increase your deposits and so on. And their support is simply awesome and instant. If you wish to use them, here is the link for you:

Wish you all the best. Take care and God bless:)
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