Inner Circle Trader (de forex_trader_72724)
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Discussion Inner Circle Trader
Membre depuis Sep 07, 2012
posts 43
Feb 18, 2013 at 06:56
(édité Feb 18, 2013 at 07:17)
Membre depuis Sep 07, 2012
posts 43
"It's ok to act like that as a christian isnt it cause all you gotta do is ask for forgiveness right?"
Funny, but pretty much,yea. It's easier to remain a man-child like ICT when you got a sky daddy.
Funny, but pretty much,yea. It's easier to remain a man-child like ICT when you got a sky daddy.
Carpe diem
Feb 19, 2013 at 06:46
Membre depuis Jan 17, 2013
posts 2
I have learnt a lot from ICT's videos. And based on his teachings making money regularly. I really do not care if his live trading were not so successful. But at least he had the guts to do whatever he did in front of everyone. I really miss his weekly reviews
Membre depuis Sep 07, 2012
posts 43
Membre depuis Sep 07, 2012
posts 43
Membre depuis Feb 12, 2014
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Membre depuis Aug 19, 2016
posts 3
Membre depuis Apr 04, 2010
posts 8
Membre depuis Mar 17, 2016
posts 1
Jul 24, 2017 at 06:36
Membre depuis Aug 31, 2016
posts 2
I found Michael a few months of knowing about Forex and being interested. I had only gone through the school and a few videos from YouTube. With that I had only blown not so much trading live. Unfortunately I cannot judge him as an individual or a trader he is or was all I know is I am very grateful to have stumbled into his work. Maybe there is more better than his I guess we will never know, all I know is he helped me understand the markets better and I will forever be grateful for that. All that came at the cost of my internet connection downloading his videos. Wherever you are Michael thank you very much.

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