jeremy gandrez (de Robot_de_trading)
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Discussion jeremy gandrez
Membre depuis Nov 11, 2009
posts 34
Membre depuis Apr 09, 2012
posts 9
May 24, 2012 at 15:35
Membre depuis Apr 09, 2012
posts 9
No idea i'm new with myfxbook.
Just let me check and fix that.
Account is real. you can access to a free video of my account susbcribing to my website (It's absolutly free)
The current vidéo of the website was made a few weeks ago so the account was smaller and "only" about 100% i have to make a new one.
No idea i'm new with myfxbook.
Just let me check and fix that.
Account is real. you can access to a free video of my account susbcribing to my website (It's absolutly free)
The current vidéo of the website was made a few weeks ago so the account was smaller and "only" about 100% i have to make a new one.

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