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LearnBabyPips (de sforshara)
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Discussion LearnBabyPips
Membre depuis Feb 11, 2011
posts 1916
Membre depuis Mar 18, 2016
posts 127
Jun 07, 2016 at 07:03
Membre depuis Mar 18, 2016
posts 127
It is very simple really, you go to settings - copy the authorization password. Then go to your MT4 terminal->tools->options go to the server tab..Click on 'change' There put input your master password. At the bottom it will want your new investor password - you paste it there (it is on your clipboard)and paste it in the confirm section. Click ok.. It should give you a message in your journal tab that it 'changed successfully'
Now go back to your myfxbook settings and go to 'update password'
Paste the password in there as well and click save.. Then click connect.. If it connects succesfully you did everything right..
It will fully verify in an hour or so..
Now go back to your myfxbook settings and go to 'update password'
Paste the password in there as well and click save.. Then click connect.. If it connects succesfully you did everything right..
It will fully verify in an hour or so..
My accounts will ALWAYS show high DD. This is done purposely to maximize our withdrawals every week.
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